The Goat Woman's Niece

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Y/n was up making a meal for Justice who was too hungry to wait. He attempted to just wait her out, but she just continuously got more and more threatening outside the door, he didn't exactly feel like dying today, so he caved.

"It's so damn early Justice..." The assistant sighed.

"Psh, getting up early will do you some good!" Justice waved off. She sat on the side, earbud in one of her ears, listening to something. Probably lewd music, it was pretty catchy when Modeus introduced it to the mansion.

"Oh yeah sure..." He rolled his eyes.

"Roll'em again I dare you." Justice said simply.

"You're blind, I should be at least be able to do that without your knowledge."

"Nope!" She shakes her head with a smile.

"Alright, that should be it then!" He casually takes the pan and throws a golden brown omurice over a fried rice hill. "Chive and tomato omurice, with a tasty fried rice. Good enough?" He takes the plate and passes it over to the gluttonous demon.

"It always is." Justice drooled at the mouth, smelling the masterpiece.

A knock was heard by the two at the door. Y/n went to go open it guessing it was a package, so when he did he ended up moving downwards to grab it, the delivery people tend to run after having to go to the mansion. However when he bent down he ended up with a face-full of breasts. "Oh my? Is this a hint that you want to come over again? Because you are of course very welcome too~" Y/n backed up quickly, even using his wings to get a further distance.

"Baphomet..." He suspiciously greeted.

The goat lady stood there in all her glory, two goat bodyguards by her side. "Present!" She shouted happily.

"Lucifer's upstairs and Justice is in the kitchen. Welp good-"

"Ohnononono, you misunderstand my fiendish friend, I'm not here for them, I'm here for you." Baphomet said very... suggestively. "As in, I'm here to make a deal. Though if you wanted, I'm sure I could skip out on a few hours, though remembering how long you spe-"

He quickly rushed forwards and grabbed her hands. "The deal, Baphomet, please? Anything to avoid more of that."

"Huuuu, I supposed you wouldn't do it again." She says disappointedly. Then she smiles. "I'll come back when your incubus side acts up or I could always see you in that brothel I know you like." Y/n quickly dashed backwards once again.

"How did she know!?" Y/n was slightly terrified, yes he had been going to brothels because he quite literally needed too. But he got kicked out most for helping the staff follow their own dream career paths. He then found one where there was no one to help, they liked being there, it became his go-to for incubus situations.

He wasn't embarrassed by it or anything, most demons went to brothels, even one's in happy relationships, the girls went to brothels or they had people over, minus a few of them because they were either to pure or to broke. He was more scared about the fact that she knew the brothel's name. 'I know you like'.

She traces over her face with her finger. "It's written all over your face. How do I know that? I own the brothel." She smiles seductively.

Y/n then came to a realisation on why they're was a goat section in the brothel. "Look, just, what do you want?" He wanted to get this over and done with quickly.

"Well you see, I have something in my possession that you might want." He was expecting possibly another sex joke or reference. Something he couldn't be bothered to deal with. However his attitude quickly changed when one of the bodyguards opened a briefcase that had a red-leather covered grimoire. His wings actually unfurled in surprise, how many of these books did she have?

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now