Just A Normal Day For Y/n

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You were currently finishing off some extra paperwork from work. As you put down your pen, you leaned back in your chair, sighing in relief.


Y/n: "Ok, what am I forgetting... I feel like I'm forgetting something. I definitely am, what is it. Now I feel bad damnit!" You rub your head. "What is it...? CERBERUS! I promised to treat her to sweet and cakes! That was so long ago... well no time like the present!" You say getting up.

Walking downstairs, Cerberus is currently being pet by Lucifer.

Lucifer: "Ah, Y/n."

Cerberus: "MASTER!" The quickly run over to you.

Lucifer looks annoyed.

Y/n: "Come on Cerberus, we're going out."

Cerberus: "Where? Where are we going? What are we gonna do?" All three bodies speak quickly.

Y/n: "I promised you candy a while ago, didn't I?"

Cerberus: "CANDY! YAY!"

Lucifer: "Why do they get candy?"

Y/n: "The Queen of Hell can't go get candy on her own?" You raise an eyebrow at her.

She just looks away.

Y/n: "Lets go." You cross your arms and crouch down.

Cerberus merges and shrinks down into a small three headed dog and jumps into your arms.

Lucifer: "She... she would never do that for me..." She stares in disbelief.

You simply walk out the mansion while she keeps staring. You fly out to the Gluttony Ring considering it has the best food and there's just a market full of sweets in the town of Dulcis.

A small town made up Victorian architecture known for its sweet treats all around Hell, because everyone loves it, no one bothers it ever, other than thieves of course but they usually get taken out by the locals.

You land in a torn up market going to get- wait a damn minute.

Y/n: "The fuck happened to the market." You drop Cerberus down who transforms into herself.


You look around at the craters at the buildings and in the floor, the debris everywhere and fires.

Y/n: "I don't know?"

???: "Help! Please! Someone..."

You run over to the noise to find a demon stuck under some rubble, you quickly lift it off him. You throw his arm over your shoulder to help him stand as your bees heal his legs.

He's a short plump man wearing a pink apron.

???: "Thank you, fuckin' hell that hurt like a bitch." He chuckles.

Y/n: "Looks like it. Care to explain what happened here uh..."

Mark: "Names Mark, and some stupid fuckin Soul Taken got dropped here 'nd started blowing shit up, the fucker, if I ever get my hands on him!"

Y/n: "Hm, there's a good chance he just doesn't know how to use his powers."

Mark: "Doesn't mean, I'm not fucking pissed off at him, he blew up the entire market and's probably gone't blow up more shite!"

Y/n: "Hey Cerberus?"

The triple demon pops out from behind you.

Cerberus: "Yes master?"

Y/n: "You smell the explosions?"

Cerberus: "Yup! There's a lot coming from that way!" They point in a direction.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now