New Spells

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Meus Pruna. He was a demon from a powerful noble family, The Pruna family was known for their ever expanding mines, and the loyalty to the Overseer of Greed. It was tradition that one member of the family was always a knight under her.

Meus was supposed to be the next knight, however he gave the 'prestige' of the job to his bratty brother. He gained a lot of favour from him while doing so, meaning he got power from him and none of the work. He was able to plan behind his back, make sure he could run his own property smoothly, sure he wasn't as powerful as the elders in his family but it was getting to a point.

The demon was a master manipulator, he knew what he needed and how to get it. He had used many high level artefacts, stolen them from family, all to find what he needed to push his power over the edge. And it all showed to Baphomet. He had this entire elaborate plan, he had been setting it up for years, every small interruption in her companies, all the places she needed to protect he made sure she bought.

He had done so much. Looking over every prediction. Everything was laid out perfectly. His brother would gain everything and he'd get a piece of the pie as well. Baphomet had a lot, even a part of that was a lot.

However, that didn't happen.

It didn't fucking happen.

He bought out some of the best hunter parties. He knew most've them would die, but they would get the job done. All equipped with great weapons. Artefacts. He made sure the workers were split up. It was an ambush.

Everything was pitted against her.

Yet she won. This goat bitch won. And he would never be able to repeat a plan like this again, not for a long time. She had the resources, the connections, he didn't.

And how? Some random ass demon.

Meus was knelt next to his unconscious brother, clutching his own head. He thought back on the countless days he spent making sure everything went, flawlessly... flawlessly.

The demon looked back. Baphomet, she was walking towards him, waving the deeds, she expelled the aura of confidence. The winged demon walked behind her to the side, he looked serious, glaring at him, however the seriousness was counteracted by the small demon on his shoulders laughing and holding onto his hair.

She had the gall to bring a child over here. Was he just that powerless now. The more he thought about it, the more the demon glared, as if he could read his thoughts, as if he knew he wanted them dead.

Little did he know, he did.

'All three of them dead'

Y/n stood next to two non-combatant demons, they couldn't fight. Meus was obviously extremely angry. He tried anything, a grassy spear would go through his throat.

"I'm surprised. I'm business partners with the Pruna family? I didn't think they'd attack me like this." She was confident, even though she had almost died, tricked. She had to be, it gave her the advantage. "You're young, I doubt you got this power by yourself, it's a lot, you must've gotten cocky. I must admit so did I, I suppose this a humbling moment for me." She crouched down. "I'll have to be a lot more careful next time."

However she quickly got distracted by Krampus' giggling. She looked back upwards to see Krampus pointing downwards, while Y/n glanced in another direction, a small blush on his face.

"You need baggier clothes." The servant demon admitted.

It took Baphomet a second to realise what the two were talking about. It didn't even take a moment for her to- "Ara Ara Y/n, interested?" She stood up and moved her face closer to his.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now