A walk never hurt nobody

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Envy Ring, Egestas Forest

In a leafless Forest yet one full of life, with deadly foliage scattered all over and beasts lurking in the mess of black branches. We find an injured demon with a curious angel.

The demon appears to be shirtless and holding a black knife with a red trim, with a handle that's wrapped in bandages.

The angel holds a notebook and pen, ready to scribble down whatever information she can gather.

The demon carries a duffel bag over his shoulder while the angel carries a satchel, they switched because one could barely drag the bag they were meant to hold.

They both stand over the body of a large wolf, about twice the size of both of them combined.

Azazel: "So you plan to skin the wolf." The angel asks

Y/n: "No, I usually would, but this isn't under normal circumstances. You see, you would usually be with some sort of team and come hunt some of these creatures down, a specific person would carry the parts, but we don't have that, so I'm just going to take the important bits, in this case the most expensive."

Azazel: "WAIT, could I take a sketch of the creature before you cut it?" As she scribbles your words into her notebook

You didn't see any harm in it, so you paused. She finished and you went for the the front paws.

Azazel: "But wait, what about your magic, where you got the book out from? Actually which god did you pray to to get an ability like that?" She stops writing and looks up.

Y/n: "Pray to?" You look up at the angel confused.

Azazel: "Oh, it must be different here. Well you see in heaven, the god or goddess that you pray to you get an ability based off that god or goddess, like Artemis, taming and control of animals or Poseidon, hydrokinesis." She explains. "Does it work differently here?" She tilts her head slightly.

Y/n: "Should she be giving me this information? Should I be giving any information?" You look at the angels smiling face. "Mmmmmmm I doubt someone with that face is going to somehow use it against me. Ok... well when your either born, like me, or die and your soul gets dragged down here, you get abilities, they depend on your personality and what you've done, so based on our sins pretty much. Example: A smoker might get the ability to control smoke, a glutton might get the ability to become what they eat, portals, pyrokinesis, the possibilities are endless, no-ones the same, kind the best part of hell to be honest."

You start effortlessly cutting through the furry skin of the wolf, the entire paw of it is as hard as iron so you have to cut the entire foot off.

Y/n: "Titles are kinda the same in that sense, you gain something, something small, not everyone has them, but you know when you get one, like Y/n the helpful demon, I got wings to help out a bit more, you've got those right."

You've successfully cut one off and go to the next.

Azazel: "Yes, we do, I actually have one myself, 'curious angel' it just means I don't have to push myself to do things like research, I just instantly have the motivation to go and figure it out, however we don't seem to have that same uniqueness as you with abilities, heaven is a lot more.... hm, uniform." She says this all while still scribbling in her notepad.

Y/n: "Mána schoiní" An f/c coloured light wraps around the 2 claws, until an f/c tinted rope is left around them, you throw it to the side. "Huh, neat. Well anyway my actual ability is being able to figure out what people need help with and being able to learn how to help them, say somebody needs help, ummm, I don't know paperwork, I wouldn't be a fast writer or reader or whatever but I would get much better much faster than other people, my magic actually comes from the grimoire. Stok." A vortex appears by the two, You pull your grimoire out from it.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now