The Pruna Family

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"Yes darling?" The goat-horned woman looked over.

"What's with this mobster get up?" He was just missing the big cigar and he'd look like some sort of fantasy mafia bodyguard. Well technically, he kinda was.

"It's just the uniform. That's all." They both walked slowly through the city.

It had sort of an old Wild West mixed with a modern city theme to it and it was much larger then most, both for the same reason, it was a gold mine for, well, gold. The Pruna family owned the city, along with all the mines in the radius, it was where the Pruna family had settled and spread from.

It was their home pretty much.

Hence all the dirty looks being shot at Baphomet. Though she obviously didn't give two shits, every time someone launched an insult she just looked back with the most terrifying smile. Though everyone knew her combat power didn't match up, she was still terrifying.

And with Y/n around, she could actually back the combat power up. Though no one could really tell it was him with his uniform on.

"Is it the biggest building?" He points to the huge casino.

"It's alway the biggest building, this is the Greed Ring, whoever has the biggest, brightest, most gaudy one, wins their little contest." She said amused and with a hint of pity. Y/n looked at her confused. She looked back with a smile. "Who can compensate the most."

"Huh." He looked at the neon building, it sorta reminded him of a jukebox, a really big one, but a jukebox nonetheless.

Baphomet enjoyed watching the clueless and distracted Y/n as he looked around the new place. As a businesswoman Baphomet had been to so many places, however it was interesting to see someone's reaction to places they hadn't been before. It was rather... cute. Like a puppy running around a brand new house.

While watching his reactions, she was thinking about the best deal she could give the demon. He was already getting a sip of the pact-resetting potion out of this and she had been incredibly vague in whatever else she had, lots of magic items, maybe related to that book, she could tell he was very interested in that.

Also he was definitely worth much more than he was getting from the others, so Baphomet was sure to up the amount of money he would get out of working for her, adding on his choice of a magic item per month. It was an incredibly high-level deal. Also she had workers all over Hell who could use assistance, he did seem to bright up at the fact he could help a lot of people.

If she offered this contract, there's a very good chance he would take it. A very good chance.

She chuckled under her breath as she walked forward. "Come on, we probably shouldn't be late." She faced Y/n happily.

To be honest they'd probably be there by now, but Y/n's wings were still healing whatever those arrows were made out of slowed down regeneration from anything, it was really annoying.

They walked through the casino, Baphomet gave side eye towards the many large bouncers on patrol, watching the two like a hawk. "Careful..." She whispered so only her temporary bodyguard could hear.

"It's fine, I've brought down bigger." Y/n watched them look away when he instead turned his whole head to face them. "And braver." He looked back.

As soon as they entered the first floor the most noticeable thing, minus the bouncers, were all the people playing slots and gambling, probably all visiting nobles. For some reason Y/n's eyes were attracted to the bar, though he wasn't sure why.

"We can get a drink afterwards." Baphomet suggests, passing him by and towards the elevator.

Y/n follows behind, still being weirded out by the bar for whatever reason.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now