The Strongest Servant

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Y/n: "Krystállino docheío" You put your hand over the young demon.

A pale see through Crystal begins to surround him, it then finishes forming, making him encased in a large opal.

You then get up from your squat and look around to find yourself surrounded by all kinds of demons.

Announcer: "I WILL LET THIS FUCKER CHOOSE WHEN HE WANTS TO BEGIN! Your not going to survive anyway~"

Your grimoire flys from your belt to your face.

Y/n: "Mána schoiní" A f/c coloured rope appears in your hand, you tie one end around your wrist. A vortex then appears next to you. You pull out the magic sword you stole and tie the other end of the rope around its hilt.

You hold the sword in your left hand and stand wide, your grimoire floating near you, a smile on your face.

Y/n: "Ready."

Announcer: "PFFFF! That's it! Ha! Three, Two, One~"

Before anyone else can reach you, a centaur demon does, he gets ready to stab you with his spear. Only you to front flip and land on his head knocking him down.

As you step off his head you hear a groan, without looking at him you take your foot and step on his neck, breaking it.

Y/n: "Anyone who gets in my way dies! No turning back now..."

Three demons with swords charge at you. You spin throwing the flaming sword and slice through each of their torsos. Then quickly throw the blade into another demon's chest who was readying there bow. You pull the sword back before running and jumping into a crowd of demons.

Y/n: "Gíinos pylónas" A pillar of stone bursts out of the stone where you land knocking away demons and launching you upward.

You stretch out your wings a fly above the crowd, releasing a barrage of icicles and fireball down at the demons watching as they get torn apart and burn, screaming. You then put your wings back and roll into the arena.

You end up standing in front of a minotaur with a giant axe he swings it to attempt to chop you in half. You however put small shields around your hand and catch the axe, then squeeze making it shatter into iron shards.

The Minotaur shivers as a the tip of a flaming sword is the last thing he sees.

A demon throws fireballs at you, so you easily cut through them with the sword, you then launch a fireball of your own at his head, making his skin melt.

A demon tries to punch you with a gauntlet only for you to dodge, grab his head and slam it into the ground causing it to crack.

Y/n: "Machaíri me morfí aímatos" As you move your hand a blob of blood comes from the demon's head with it, the blood then forms it a sharp red kunai. You then throw it into a flying demons eye, causing them to lose balance and crash into the ground.

A group of demons come charging at you, so you stomp your foot into the ground, causing a pillar to come from underneath them, sending them all into the sky, making them great target practice as you shoot them with stone bullets.

You launch your sword at a demon who incanting a spell, you slice there throat before they can finish it.

A demon jumps at you knocking you down, but you speak quicker than he can punch.

Y/n: "Nýchia skiás" Two shadow claws appear on your hands, you shove them into the demons chest, before splitting him apart. "Rip and tear until it is done." You say laughing.

Finally demons start realising they can't win, so they start running. You leave them alone, you don't really care about them.

Y/n: "You..." You stare down the white Knight wielding a long sword.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now