Just a normal day

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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

Y/n: "[Yawn]" You rise your top half out of the bed, stretching in the morning.

You notice a bulge beneath your blanket.

Picking it up you reveal.

Modeus: "Good morning."

You stare at her blankly before using your cover to wrap her up into a burrito using your blanket and put her under your arm.

Walking out of your room, towards hers, opening the door and throwing her in there.

Modeus: "Why am I not allowed to sleep with you." She moans.

Y/n: "Because that's not what friends do. Also, naked, very naked."

Modeus: "I do it all the time."

Y/n: "With people you have sex with. Go get dressed."

Modeus: "You better remember our date tomor-"

You close the door.

Modeus has been here for a week and so far so good. She's a bit clingy and that's fine.

You also agreed to go on 'dates' with her to teach her about romance.

Basically everyone in the house are friends and aren't trying to kill each other.


Most of the time.

You walk downstairs and to the backdoor.

Opening it up to see Zdrada and Malina fighting one another.

Justice: "Hey Y/n." She's sitting on a deck chair with her feet on a bench table. "I dunno what they're arguing about if you ask."

Malina: "IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Balls of fire fly through the air.

Y/n: "I have a guess."

Zdrada: "NOT IF I KILL YOU FIRST!" Knives made of smoke slice through the air.

Justice: "...Aren't you going to stop them?"

Y/n: "I've got to get to work. They'll have sorted it out by the time I get back, and their not destroying the house sooo, not my problem."

Justice: "Alright see ya. Steak tonight?"

Y/n: "See ya. And yeah."

Justice: "Nice."


You head back inside.

Azazel and Judgement are sitting on the couch watching TV.

You walk past them.

Y/n: "Azazel, are we still on for that alchemy class on Thursday."

Azazel: "Yes, is that a problem?"

Y/n: "No just making sure."

Judgement: "Don't forget our fight on Friday." She says leaning to look at you.

Y/n: "I've got it." You say walking upstairs to get dressed.

Cerberus: "AND YOUR PLAYING WITH US TODAY!" Cerberus shouts from downstairs.

Y/n: "YEP!"

You enter your room, get dressed and fly out your window, to the Palace, just as an explosion of fire and smoke go off.

Y/n: "Justice can deal with it." You think calmly to yourself.

-Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Y/n listening to music in the air-

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now