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The resounding air was still, the trees that once stood had all fallen to the ground, it was a strange occurrence. Especially the radius that the trees had fell. It would be terrifying to see out in the wild.

However even if she didn't know- "Who made that bastard go serious already?!" Judgement still would've went after the cause.

Se quickly scanned the battleground. It only took a few glances for her to get an idea of what happened.

"An assassin? Probably multiple with all the cuts in the trees. Hmm, nah it was an artefact. A lot of indents in the ground, obviously skilled in close up combat." Judgement quickly followed the fallen trees in an attempt to get to the centre as fast as possible.

Her lunges were fast over the space, Judgement's eyes widened. Y/n coughed out heaps of black blood, while Baphomet overlooked, holding a flower basket and a bottle. Judgement didn't hesitate to send multiple chains her way.

However they were quickly wrapped around his fore arm as he had raised it in front of Baphomet. "Stop reading the room wrong would ya!" Y/n shouted before proceeding to throw up once more.

"Wha- Read the room wrong? You are keeled over! Throwing your guts up! She standing over you while a small poison like bottle is on the ground!" Judgement was already frustrated with the demon and she had seen him for barely two seconds.

"Please it is not the first time you've seen me in a situation like this..." His stomach gurgled as he spoke, causing him to gag slightly.

Judgement doesn't think she could've glared any harder. "When the fuck have I seen you in a situation like this!"

"Oh right, you've never seen me drunk..." He mumbles.

"You don't even know how close Justice and Beel were to coming themselves." Judgement groaned. She quickly looked back up realising what she had just said.

"I suppose Krampus wasn't lying..." Baphomet looked amused.

Y/n quickly looked up in fear realising who's name she had just spoken. "You can't tell anybody." He points. "Of course Krampus couldn't keep a secret..." He muttered.

"I won't tell anyone, I assure you." Baphomet said with her very 'trustworthy' smile. Both Y/n and Judgement stared suspiciously. "Look at me any longer and I won't take those words seriously."

"Right, well you know there are people coming for you, right?" Judgement sighs.

"Yeah..." "Of course." Both said calmly. Y/n picked himself up.

"An army. Is coming." Judgement motioned.

Baphomet was still pretty calm. While Y/n just looked... weirdly energised.

"With magic weapons." Judgment pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I feel way better..." Y/n was kinda just in his own little place, Baphomet just watched him happily.

"An army of my own is intercepting them, we'll be fine." Baphomet waved off Judgement's concerns.

"Even if I'm involved?" Judgement said casually.

Baphomet laughed. "Yes, yes even if... what do you mean involved?" Baphomet quickly asked concerned.

"The kind were I fuck both the armies up." She folded her arms. Lucifer was correct in assuming that Baphomet would have her own army ready.

"..." Baphomet just stared at Judgement for a few seconds. This was a completely new variable, why did Lucifer even send her High Prosecutor to this situation. Lucifer had strayed from politics, this was easily something she would absolutely avoid. "Y/n." She turned her head. "Restrain her." She pointed.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now