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"Please just leave."


Y/n stood his ground against the strange assassin. Her appearance was almost completely covered basically no skin could be seen on his assailant.

Both demons stared at each other.

"Y'know there's this whole spiel that I was ordered to read out. But I'm pretty sure you could do without it." The assassin shrugged. "I know I sure can." She muttered under her mask.

Y/n didn't even try to convince whoever it was under that mask. The word, that name, 'Fraglantia'. "Pagoniá-" The demon quickly dodged a knife... that came from his left.

"Nuh-uh none of those tricks." The demon assassin didn't move whatsoever. There had to be someone else nearby.

The helpful demon just picked up a long stick fallen from the trees nearby. It was probably as long as his leg.

"...I-is, is that a stick?" She stifled down a laugh.

Another knife came flying towards the servant demon. It was immediately deflected downwards into the dirt by the stick. "Yeah, yeah it is." The demon said deadpanned. The stick emanated a small glow of Y/n's magical power.

The assassin's eyes narrowed at this strange demon.

Knives began fly from all surrounding directions. However to Y/n they were coming one at a time.

Spells take up a lot of brain processing power. Simple spells obviously weren't going to work on whoever this was, meaning no point in thinking about them. Instead he could pour the focus into what was going on around him.

Each knife was just smacked straight into the ground with fluid and quick motions.

"You can't be serious?" The assassin demon wasn't informed that this demon was skilled in multiple weapons.

Little did she know he had been trained in a lot of them. For many different reasons, mostly because Judgement wanted someone to duel with in the same weapon.

At some point the knives began to slow down and easy to get rid of, barely an inconvenience. Y/n looked back at the assassin who had just disappeared. Y/n looked around only to get an uppercut to the chin.

He didn't even see her get close, nor hear her. And the force of her punch was insane, probably would've broken her jaw.

He landed carefully as she stared confusedly at the demon. "Okay, I knew you were durable, but fucking ow." She shook the hand she hit him with. "The sisters better not be this durable, I need to capture them alive." She dodged as a fist went straight for her face.

Y/n immediately went for another punch only to hit air, she disappeared again. A force was slammed against his neck.

"What the fuck?" The assassin exclaimed. "So my knives are easily deflected but against you it just breaks?" She throws the half of it she was holding away. She quickly dodges another punch from the man.

She returns with a punch to the kidney, which makes him keel over, then uses his position to kick him straight in the face. It hurt but was still a lot less painful then when she disappeared.

"Well aren't you just useless without those spells of yours." She crouched down with knife in hand. She wasn't going to be an idiot and let him somehow escape with the power of friendship or some shit. She quickly brought the knife down towards his nape.

His tail quickly wrapped around her wrist. "Oh fuck o-" Immediately he brings his head upward and slams the top of it into her chin.

Y/n immediately takes the chance to run he needed to make space to use spells. "Ékrixi-" A knife quickly came between the trees to shut him up as he had to dodge. The demon tuts at the fact he's probably not gonna be allowed to use spells unless he's out this damn forest.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now