Memories Three Times Over

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A simultaneous "NOOOOOO!" Came from the three, running from the Queen of Hell.

Lucifer was attempting to punish Cerberus for disrupting her the entire day. A calming relaxing bath? Candles fallen and soapy water thrown everywhere. Make up? Mostly eaten. Food? Also eaten.

Lucifer was pissed, but of course she wouldn't use a spell on Cerberus, she was still a child in her eyes. What she got was worse, she had brought out the most fear inducing, traumatising, war-criminal like weapon known to man, the flip flop.

However though Lucifer had attack power, it was through magic. Leaving her speed and strength to be desired, however Cerberus was the complete opposite in that regard. Cerberus kept running and running. Again Lucifer didn't want to use a spell so she got the next best thing.

"I am, not, going to punish Cerberus!" The servant demon said horror. He was currently washing the dishes, he had just finished making a very strange cake. The trio crouched behind him, using him as cover.

Y/n seemed a lot more vibrant then before, even after the Baphomet thing, getting continuously annoyed about recreating his contracts and making Azazel's pact were renewed.

"What do you mean you're not going to punish them!?" Lucifer pointed the deadly weapon at the girls, who flinched in fear. "You're their 'master'" She put on a mock voice and brought out the air quotes for that one. "You have to do it!" She then proceeds to point the object his way.

He subconsciously puts up a transparent blue shield in between him and her. She gives him a 'really?' look and he deactivates it, still glaring at the flip flop.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Well, you need to do something."

"You know what? I will do something." The girls look up to him with teary eyes. He bends down with a smile, he then turns back to Lucifer with a red three headed pup in his arms. "I'll talk to them to find out the problem." He goes to walk off, but quickly turns back around to say one more thing. "And please get rid of that..." He stares in fear as he then leaves.

She stares at the flip flop in her grasp, before letting out a puff of amused air.

"There's gotta be one videogame you can play. I know there was definitely one that, I think you would enjoy."

"Well if you remember, tell me, otherwise for now, I'll stick to board games."

Justice and Malina were chatting to each other, while walking into the kitchen. They saw Lucifer standing there, chancla in her grasp, a small grin on her face. Malina slowly backed up and out of the kitchen, while Justice might as well have teleported, she moved so fast.

"You can't be serious." Lucifer was amused, once again left alone in the kitchen.

Y/n placed the small dog on the sofa. "Right. Demon form. Now." He sat on a chair opposite of them.

The dog whined while looking to the ground before exploding into the three different women, that they usually are. Their ears were drooping. "We're sorry." Was said at the exact same time.

"Just tell me why, you guys are so antsy recently, you haven't exactly been the calmest recently." Y/n questioned. She had been destroying a lot more recently.

"She was supposed to take us out to play!" One of the Demi-demons called out with annoyance in her voice. "But she forgot... again." One curled up against her knees looking away with a pout. The last one just nodded sadly, tearing up slightly.

Y/n just blinked. "Why didn't you just ask me?"

The one who nodded, looked up. "She always took us to a special place, we're not supposed to tell anybody about it..."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now