The Denizens of Hell

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"Please, Breath of The Wild is better." Judgement scoffed

"Bullshit. Horizon is where it's at." Malina rolled her eyes.

Both were playing the respective games. Malina destroying robots with a bow and arrow while Judgement destroyed Bokoblins with a sword.

On the table Azazel, Y/n and Justice was talking.

"So, is there a ranking system in Hell?" Azazel was interviewing the two, writing the questions and answering into a notebook. "Like strength, prestige?" She waved her pen.

"Prestige? Yeah." Y/n rested his head on his elbow. "Strength, not really?" Justice answered. "There's like competitions though, if those count?" She would know, she was banned from entering them and invited to be a judge in them.

"Hm, I thought there would be some sort strength scaling, power seems like everything in hell." She writes down.

"Wait, are we talking about power or strength?" Justice asks.

Azazel looks up confused. "Is there a difference?"

"Obviously." She chuckles. "Strength is physical part of power. Take it as a pie chart." She looks over at the helpful demon. He takes out a pen and Azazel gives him a sheet of paper. He draws a circle, letting Justice begin her explanation. "Now power, it's made up of many different things. They can all be completely different things. You've got strength." She flexes. "You've got smarts." She pokes Azazel's forehead. "Magic." Y/n's eyes glow quickly. "Political, connections, monetary, family. All sorts."

The male finishes his simple chart. "Though it's usually all added up into what you said about prestige." He adds.

"Exactly as he says." Justice points. Y/n flips the paper.

"But I was told Hell had the bloodlines aswell, like hell-born and soul-taken. Are these not important in the prestige?" Azazel taps the notebook with her

"Well you're an Angel, and you're part of the ranking." Justice smiles.

"I am?" She points to herself.

"Y/n." Justice motions.

"Commoner, Elder Demon, Noble, Knight, Overseer. Ruler. They're the most basic titles in terms of power, of course there's more detailed ones before Overseer, but I won't get into that." He writes them down. "As long as you have a certain amount of power, anyone can come under these titles."

"So anyone could just become an Overseer if they were strong enough?" Azazel said perplexed. The two demons nodded. "That seems like the worst way to rule Hell of all places, there's a huge chance for a tyrant to take charge."

Justice chuckled. "You're right, but it's Hell, the point is to, y'know be Hell. But even so, it's definitely better then before, according to Sathanas and Asmodeus." She waves off the very potential danger.

"The Overseers of Lust and Wrath?" The angel inquires.

"Yup." She nods. "As far I know, they are the oldest known demons, from when before Lucifer was around. According to them and Lucy, it was just constant fighting, no mercy, just rip people to shreds and hope. But now we actually have a good system. Jobs, economy, education." She smiles proudly.

Azazel sits and thinks for a bit. "Where would you be on that scale?"

"Ooh? Me? Well, considering the connections I've made for centuries, my abilities and strength, a knight." She says proud of her placement.

"Really?" Azazel says surprised. "But you're quite literally the strongest demon in hell."

Justice tightens her fist above her. "Sure I'm the strongest and one of the fastest, but that doesn't make up for my lack of knowledge." She lightly bonks herself on the head. "Sure, I've got lots of experience, being part of political things, important meetings, the Overseers, blah blah blah, but I was more a... peacekeeper! Or a bodyguard if anything else." She shrugs. "I could never rule a Ring, let alone Hell." She laughs.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now