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Ah your back I see. So what am I teaching you about now. Demons, huh?

Well let's get started.

Demons, there are many types, you will never find any two demons that are the same. Personality, sins, ability, looks, all different.

However there are two types of demons. Soul-Taken and Hellborn.

Soul-Taken demons are demons that have died and their souls have been transferred to Hell by  dying on Earth.

And of course hellborn are the demons that are born in Hell, whether by pure magic, two hellborn, two soul-taken, or one soul-taken and another hell-born.

Fun fact: Hellborn demons actually tend to look more human than soul-taken demons.

Now let me talk about features all demons have.

Abilities. Every demon has one. Soul-taken gain their ability by how they lived essentially. Hellborn demons get there's from birth, whether it be from what Ring their in, a mixture of their parents ability, hell if their parents are strong enough their parents can put the odds into their favour and choose what their child's ability is.

Abilities can range from magic powers like controlling an element to specific skills like swordplay or alchemy.

Abilities also have drawbacks, well most, some people are lucky.

It could be mental, physical, something that lasts a demon their entire life, or only specific situations.

Titles are also a thing demons can gain. They are gained through achievements or repetitive actions during daily life, there natural you can't force them.

You can get a variety of things from titles, they could make thing easier, or just give you a new limb.

There's a small conflict between hellborn and soul-taken, mostly due to one reason, who Hell is really for.

They both have their reasons to be there but they still fight. Luckily the smart demons have decided to conceal their type, though it does make it difficult for newer demons when they arrive in Hell.

Every demon is different so this is as much as I can say.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now