The 7th day

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Wrath Ring, Crimson Forest

In an underground house there was a demon sleeping peacefully in a pile of pillows, unknown to him were the demons lurking closer.

Until they pounced.

Y/n: "GAH!" You spout as you were thrown out of the comfort of sleep.

Cerberus: "Morning Y/n! It's time to get food! Let's go!" Each body says from left to right.

Y/n: "Fine, just get off me." They get off and you dust yourself off. "I'll go get dressed and then we can go out, alright?"

She nods as she leaves the room probably going outside to wait.

Y/n: "Stok" You pull some clothes out.


You walk out the cave in some clean clothes, ready to go for your daily hunt.

You unfurl your wings and start flapping into the air.

You feel something come from underneath your legs. You just relax and sit down

You look behind you to find Cerberus eyes while you sit on her nose.

Y/n: "ONWARDS!" You shout pointing into the Forest.

Cerberus jumps in to action while you hold on tight.

She sniffs out your next batch of prey, wandering between the tall trees.

You kept walking ignoring small demonic beasts trying to find one that would be a filling meal.

Your laying down on Cerberus just staring blankly at the leaves, until she growls, you quickly raise your head.

You see a Cockatrice.

Y/n: "Hey, if you want this, it's up to you, cause if that thing looks at me I'm dead." You say from atop the back of Cerberus.

She growls in return.

You glide off of Cerberus and onto the ground as you watch her approach the giant chicken.


Each step of Cerberus makes no sounds as she sneaks behind the beast.

Until the Cockatrice turns it's head, it then goes on guard from the sneaking Cerberus.

Both legendary entities stare each other down. The Cockatrice makes the first move.

It uses its legs to start slashing at Cerberus whilst keeping its balance using its tail.

Cerberus moves back to avoid the slashes, before using her own claws, slashing back at the beast.

They both stop then, open their mouths releasing fire. As the blazes smash into each other's, some sort of ball enters the Cockatrice's mouth, causing its mouth to overflow with ice.

While the Cockatrice is pre-occupied with the ice, Cerberus goes for the neck.

With one swift crunch the fight is over.


You fly out the trees onto the middle head of Cerberus, while the left head drags the carcass.

Y/n: "Alright back to the cave we go!" You cheer.

Cerberus starts turning around heading back to the camp.

While you walk the Cerberus seems to enjoy you scratching behind her large ears.

-Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Y/n cooking a Cockatrice whilst humanoid Cerberus watches over-

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now