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"Az. You here?" Judgement was had opened the door to the library, she required the assistance of the angel today. "Az?"

"Judgement?" The demon came out the aisles of bookshelves. He held a small silver tray by his side.

(A/n: I'm sorry to interrupt your reading experience, but I just need you to understand, I hate the word 'aisles' with a passion it sounds nothing like what it looks like. Fuck. This. Word. Sorry, continue.)

"Oh, hey Y/n. You seen Az anywhere?" Judgement quietly shut the door behind her as she walked in.

"Azazel? Yeah she's back there." He pointed back from where he came from.

"Thanks, need to talk to her about the competition." She walked past him, to where he pointed.

"I'm coming back, want anything?" He said continuing forward.

"Matcha latte." She answered simply.

"Got it!" Was the last thing Judgement heard as the door closed.

Judgement walked through the library. Recently this library had basically become Azazel's second room. To the point Justice was  alright with her actually moving into it at this point.

"Bookworm? Where are you?" She stepped through the library and kept walking to the loudest source of sound, pen on paper.

"Ugh no, not that..." A frustrated voice echoed.

Judgement rounded a corner and found the person she was looking for. Azazel sat at her grouped up table, she was tapping the back of a pencil on her chin.

"Az, you alright?" Judgement walked forward while looking around the area. Posters of multiple types of anatomy covered the bookshelves. Books of all kinds laid across the floor. Crates of mix-mash ingredients. There was a theme to all this and it was muscles.

"Oh Mis- Ahem Judgment." The angel had obviously been working for a while and it was obvious Y/n had just recently found her as she was only looking slightly like her bright self.

"Muscles huh?" Judgement picked up one of the open books.

"Ah yes, you see I've been trying to create a stronger strength potion!" She picks up a beaker with a blue bubbly liquid in it. "However it's been failure after failure." She says disheartened, placing the beaker back on the table.

Judgement walked over to the crates. "Well, I'm no alchemist, but these look like the correct ingredients."

"How so?" Azazel got up and walked over.

"Well when I was younger, I researched about super foods and crap like that, they didn't work out, so I went to potions, y'know those ones that give permanent effects." Though rare, these potions do exist and are incredibly valuable and a reason demons can be strong even if they're not a pureblood. "I went looking for the supposed ingredients of those, they definitely helped in my growth." She flexes proudly.

"You? Ate the ingredients themselves? By themselves?" Azazel asked concerned.

"Didn't exactly have a chef to do it for me at the time." She chuckles.

"At the time? You mean Y/n does it for you?"

"Yeah, obviously. I can cook now, but who says no to Y/n's?" Judgement couldn't imagine actively saying no to Y/n's mastery.

"So Y/n cooks the ingredients? But most have to be counteracted by other ingredients to actually make it safe to consume. And you're telling me he cooks them?" Azazel contemplates. "He would also be adding so many other different foods and spices, making even more mixtures bad and good."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now