You got the book...

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You had showered five times during your time in the bathroom and were given new clothes, due to them being ripped up. You don't remember yourself doing that and you don't want to.

You walk out of the room to Baphomet, who is radiating happiness. She passes you a yellow book with the exact same design as your other grimoire.

Baphomet: "Your gladly welcome back anytime!"

Y/n: "Could I try this out, y'know just to confirm."

Baphomet: "I'm a little sad you don't trust me after how much we 'connected', but of course."

She leads you to her large front yard and you begin reading the book. Instead of a variety of spells, it's a variety of summons. From golems to familiars to contracts. This wasn't like your basic spirit summoning spell in the book, in this, was range. From elements to types and breeds.

Y/n: "The familiar is the most loyal and is something that will stick by you until the end. I wonder what mine will be? The book said it would connect with you in some way, maybe a dog?"

You hold out your right hand with your left holding the open book.

Y/n: "Éla dípla mou, neofótisti syntrofiá mou" A magic circle appears on the palm of your hand.

A large magic circle appears on the ground, it begins to shine brightly, blinding both you and Baphomet. As the light begins to fade you look back and see... green bees buzzing around.

Baphomet: "Bugs?" She says innocently.

Your eyes glow a green, before returning to e/c.

Y/n: "Aristaeus' Bees, the rarest breed of a bee magic beast. Their not demonic beasts, their heavenly beasts. They can heal wounds and even cast spells. They also have the power to help plants grow and control them. There considered one of the most helpful magic beasts... I know that? How do I know that?"

You flick through the book.

Y/n: "You know what, I'll just figure this out later." You say closing the book and put it into your storage.

The bees begin to buzz around your head.

Y/n: "Their actually really cute." You say following them with your eyes.

Baphomet: "Well now you can see I wasn't lying to you, plus it doesn't really matter if I kept the book, I can't read its language." She shrugs.

Y/n: "I thought so. Well if you excuse me, me and my bees are going to leave." You say opening your wings and flapping off.

Baphomet: "Remember, your always welcome here. Especially when it's your time in heat~"

Y/n: "Heat? Wonder what she's talking about."

As you fly out the mansion, the bees rest on your head, dozing in your hair.

-Timeskip, brought to you by bees flying around Chibi Y/n-

You quietly walk into through the double doors of the mansion, into the hallway.

Justice: "Yo, Y/n's back!"

Right, Justice is literally the best at detecting things. You walk through the archway into the living room, where everyone who lived there sat, including Pandemonica, excluding Azazel.

Lucifer: "Right. Sit down shall you."

You'd rather not piss off the Queen of Hell, so you do as she says, and sit at the table.

Lucifer: "So, what did you do?"

Y/n: "What do you mean?"

Lucifer: "Well, you obviously didn't fuck her, I know you wouldn't do something like that, plus you were away for a full day, so she must've requested something for you to do."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now