A Holly Jolly Hell Hole (X-Mas Special)

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(JUST A LITTLE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Nothing much really but a little dive into the future and a little wholesome chapter, a bit more simple because I'm just coming back so enjoy!)

Y/n was up and early, today was Christmas! Now sure, it was Hell and he was a demon, living with a actual Lucifer, buuuuuuuut, no greedy demon says no to free things and corporations loved their money so Christmas still alive in Hell.

And there was no one looking more forward to it then him, other than maybe Azazel. She had helped Y/n throughout the entire time. They even taught Tindira, who was immediately in love with the idea. Judgement even helped out, though she didn't love it as much as the trio.

They had decorated the entire mansion. From outside to inside. But on Christmas Day was Y/n's favourite time. His cooking time. He has the whole day to himself, to create the most amazing of feasts. And he was going to make it big. Real big this time around. This, of course, wasn't the first time he's made a feast, but he was going all out on this one, using a multitude of spells and techniques this Christmas. This meant he was in the Kitchen the whole time today.

However that also meant the others had to order in food and wait to open presents. Which, surprisingly, they weren't too happy about.

"THE WHOLE DAY!?" Lucifer shouted at the duo sitting on the couch.

Cerberus ran up to the two. "WHAT ABOUT PRESENTS!?" They simultaneously whined.

"Open them now. We don't care." Zdrada spouted. She wasn't in a fantastic mood, her cigarettes had been taken away.

"Not without Master!" The trio replied. After all how could they, to be honest how could any of them. Y/n's gifts were probably going to be the best. I mean come on, his ability, being one of the most thoughtful demons possibly ever, pretty much knowing everything about everyone. His gift giving was probably better then Kris Kringle himself.

The two stayed stiff on the couch.

Zdrada and Malina had known him their entire lives. He had become a master chef in that time, beautiful, delicious meals everyday. But all that combined never even came close to his Christmas Feast. And now he was making that same feast for twelve people. That Turkey was gonna dress to impress.

Also they were not going to let them of all people in kitchen. Not today of all days.

Pretty much all the girls were annoyed. However, Judgement got out of her seat and walked over to the kitchen door. Malina and Zdrada looked over, genuinely ready to square up with High Prosecutor of Hell.

"Wow, this food must seriously be something!" She laughed, chains erupting from thin air and crossing over the door. "There. Now it's locked, literally no one else but me can open it!" This was a personal request made by Y/n. She got an early taste of what was being created in there and that was only the prep.

"High Pros-" Lucifer was about to use her status but was quickly told.

"Screw off, I'm off the clock!" She scoffed at the Queen of Hell, before turning to Zdrada. "Hey, there should be a Christmas special of that one anime shouldn't there!"

"Huh, yeah it should be airing today!" She said with a smile. "Y/n can watch it later so come on!" She motioned her over to the sofa.

The two had becoming binging buddies, after the week the chef introduced them, anywhere else they would keep it a secret, but here they didn't care, considering everyone knew.

"So how exactly am I going to get my coffee." Pandemonica walks up to her.

"He'll kick a cart out the kitchen. It'll be filled with drinks and Christmas snacks. If anyone one of you touch my candy cane cookies I will burn you." She says casually.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now