Having A Wander

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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

Lucifer: "Y/n, let's go." She says in a blood red dress.

Modeus: "I want to be there before they announce the aphrodisiacs." She says in a black dress.

Y/n: "Yeah, yeah." You say coming down the stairs.

You were in your work attire because this was a formal event.

Justice: "Lets go, I wanna see those gauntlets!" She says also in her work attire.

The four of you leave the mansion and get in the back of a long black limo.

Pandemonica: "What took you so long?" She says in her work attire.

Lucifer: "Y/n woke up late." She says getting in.

Y/n: "I didn't sleep well." You get in

Justice: "I slept like a log." She gets in after you.

Modeus: "I also slept great." And lastly Modeus gets in.

You all sit down.

Y/n: "What are you going to the auction for?" You ask Pandemonica.

Pandemonica: "Luxury things from Earth, like coffee or there's some enchanted items that make work easier. Now that I think about it, why are you here? Aren't you poor?"

Y/n: "First, ow. Second off I did some things to get money from them, to buy another grimoire."

Pandemonica: Her eyes widen before looking at the others than at you. "Did you fuck-"

Y/n: "No... but since this was so important, I probably would have." You say putting your hands behind your head, relaxing.

Lucifer: "He was that close to seven sins?" She mumbles under her breath.

Justice: "..."

Modeus: "I'm sorry, WHAT?!"

You looked away and whistled as she glared at you.

Modeus: "GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY!" She jumps at you.

Y/n: "NO! I ALREADY DID WHAT YOU ASKED! NO TAKE BACKS!" You push her back as she claws at you.

That was the beginning of a long car ride.

-Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Modeus trying to claw Y/n's eyes out-

You ended up giving a lap pillow to her to calm her down.

She was reading a rom-com, Pandemonica was on her laptop, Justice was sleeping and Lucifer was drinking wine, you were practicing a bit of basic magic.

Modeus: "So perverse~"

Y/n: "Everything is perverse to you." You say writing your name in the air, bored.

Modeus: "Well if everything wasn't perverse, it wouldn't be a problem now, would it."

Lucifer: "Why are you practicing that basic shit." She says swirling her half full wine glass.

Y/n: "Practice makes perfect."

Lucifer: "There's no point in practicing something you've already mastered." She says drinking her wine.

Y/n: "I guess we think differently." You say creating a ball of blue energy in the air.

Lucifer: "You should listen to me, I'm the Queen of Hell with Two thousand years of experience under my belt, what have you got, twenty?"

Y/n: "Y'know ...I still can't believe I'm friends with the Queen of Hell... or the Ex-High Prosecutor... or the active High Prosecutor, Asmodeus' daughter... wow... how did I get here again."

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now