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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

A day off, you rarely get them however turns out someone else had one too.

Your door get kicked open while you were reading... one of Modeus' books.

It was actually really good until your door got kicked open.


You fumble quickly putting the book back under the covers.

Judgement: "Hey what was that-"

Y/n: "NOTHING [Ahem] I mean nothing, wh-what did you come here for?"

Judgement looks at you before putting her hand out and using chain to grab the book. You pounce trying to grab it, you miss.

It lands in her hands, she opens it and begins reading, to which causes her face to heavily blush. She slams the book shut.

You look at her with a blush, before getting up and taking the book from her, which she gladly gives, without looking at you.

Y/n: "Modeus told me to read it. Don't just... so what did you come her for?"

Judgement: "[Ahem] You, are going to fight me."

Y/n: "It's my day off."

Judgement: "Exactly, you said the next time we were both free, we would fight."

Y/n: "I-... shit I did didn't I. [Sigh]... Fine we'll fight in the back."

Judgement: "Great." She nods and goes to leave.

Y/n: "I'll quickly make something to eat and then go fight I guess."

As you walk downstairs into the living room you see everyone staring at you including Pandemonica who doesn't even live here.

Y/n: "What the hell are you guys doing here? It's like eleven."

Lucifer: "We're here for the fight."

Y/n: "Judgement told you?"

Azazel: "To see two powerful demons fighting, my research is going to expand." She says with stars in her eyes.

Zdrada: "Can't wait to see you get your ass beat."

Cerberus: "Can we play!"

Y/n: "With Judgement, after I'm done I'm going back to bed." You say entering the kitchen.

-Timeskip, brought to you by Chibi Y/n stretching-

Face to face with Judgement, ten meters away from each other, the rest watching from deck chairs in the sideline.

Judgement: "Are you ready?" She smiles wildly.

Y/n: "Ready as I'll ever be." You say nervously.

Justice: "WHOOO GO JUDGEMENT!" She was her student, it was expected.

Beelzebub: "Win for me Y/n, and I'll give you a reward~"

Zdrada: "BEAT HIS ASS!"

Malina: "I can't care enough."

Azazel: "This is going to be incredible."

Lucifer: "My assistant or my High Prosecutor, I wonder who will win."

Cerberus: "WE WANNA PLAY AFTER!" They scream.

Modeus: "Win and I'll kiss you... that goes for both of you."

S(Sadistic).Pandemonica: "I just want to see a good show." She says drinking coffee.

Tindria: She waves her tentacles around saying to both of you "To be careful." After two years in the Abyss you learned to understand her based on movements.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now