A little fight

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Greed Ring, Furantor

We see a Y/n soaring in the distance towards an apartment complex.

As you land infront of the door to your apartment, you can hear a smash.

Y/n: "Great sign." You sweatdrop as you pull out your keys and open the door.

All you can say is...


The room is destroyed, slash and burn marks all over, food on the walls, floor, ceiling. Furniture flipped, cutlery everywhere, microwave smoking, knife embedded into the fucking TV!

Malina, fireballs in hand, Zdrada, ash knives surrounding her, both about to launch at each other, both either burnt, bruised, scratched or cut.

Malina/Zdrada: "Y/N!?" The fire and ash dissipates, while the angry looks on there face are replaced with surprised ones.


Malina/Zdrada: "She started it!" They both pointed at each other. "You fucking liar!" They both get back into attack stances.

Y/n: "Ripí." A blast of wind comes between them, cause them to move back. "Sofa! Now..."

They both flip the sofa and sit, ready to be scolded. But to their surprise...

Y/n: You put both hands together in a pushing motion. "Therapévo" A green light glows around your hands, you move it towards their wounds and begin to close and heal them.

Malina/Zdrada: "Huh?" They spout.

Y/n: "Don't look at me like that, you know me. This does not mean I'm forgiving you guys, I am way too pissed off. Understand this, your cleaning this all up, your going to get a new TV, your not gonna do shit like this again, I'm going to go get some rest." As you finish healing them you start to walk out the room, while they sit there watching you walk.

You open the door to your room to be greeted by 2 mattresses on the floor, with a bunch of blankets on top.

From behind you both Zdrada and Malina show up.

Malina: "Y/n wait!"

Y/n: "Ok... explain why there are mattresses in my room." You say already done with today.

Malina: "Ugh, look our rooms are also um wrecked." She answers quickly.

Y/n: "How wrecked?" You ask, sighing.

Zdrada moves to Malina's room door an opens it to show... a room wide hole in the floor, there is literally no floor. Consoles, furniture, decorations, which seem to have previously been smashed, have fallen in what appears to be the downstairs apartment bathroom.

Malina walks over to Zdrada's room door to find that there is nothing but ash, all the furniture, CDs, wallpaper, burnt away. The room now includes a circular skylight that seems to have been a roof has been personally installed.

All you can do is facepalm, as a tick finds it's way on your forehead.

You hear knocking come from the door to go answer it, leaving Zdrada, trying to light another cigarette and Malina, hands in pockets.

Opening the door to reveal a living post box, it spits mail at you before hopping away.

You open the one letter and... who would've thought, your getting evicted.

And look at that you've got 3 days because nobody gives a shit in Hell, including your landlord, let's be honest, your lucky he hasn't already thrown you out.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now