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The helpful Demon has continued doing his job of finishing off a lot of missing work that would've made life hell for Pandemonica in the future. "I should take some of this home with me." He mumbles to himself, before using his tail to bring up a cup of hot chocolate to his lips. He smiles as the warmth spreads through his chest.

From the right of him, another loud pop goes off, feathers flying everywhere. The cause of it, Pandemonica, giddily laughing. It was unnerving, yet somewhat cute.

"I need to get stronger pillows..." He rolls his eyes, before turning back to his laptop. Most of the work he's been doing has been easily doable but would've been a major problem in the future if left untouched. Pandemonica wouldn't leave stuff like this untouched.

She already had enough on her plate to deal with. That's why she of course had her lovely assistant to help... maybe he should come in more often, or do more at the mansion. It'd probably be a good idea, it wouldn't hurt to help a bit more.

"I wonder if that guy ever got those documents got back to Raj..." He really did not like the guy, the other assistant he meant, he didn't know why though, that was the problem.

Before he could think any deeper about it his ability activated a word floating above Pandemonica's head. "Is she okay, something wrong?-"



He wasn't helping her with that.

Down in the lower floors of the building, however.

Like most businesses in Hell, the customer service actually worked completely normally. Maybe people could see others using there powers at times, but it would be completely normal to the actual denizens of Hell.

People were just doing their job. Well until the power went out of course. For some reason, all hell broke loose, didn't take much to rile up a bunch of actual demons.

All it took was no way to make the juice of life, coffee. And all demons had some sort of ability, in an enclosed place, in a hostile work environment, where gossip runs real deep.

The whole city of Tuum could hear it. The absolute chaos. People were fighting, destroying equipment, screaming. However a ping resounded throughout the eighteenth floor, everyone nearby turned to the elevator in the middle of the floor.

Not everyone knew the demon standing inside the elevator, but the select few that did. Well they went back to their work stations and cleaned themselves up, with no questions asked.

The helpful demon looked around the destroyed office. "What the hell happened?" He wasn't angry per-say, more confused, because something obviously caused this, it probably wasn't their fault.


Most demons just looked at the confused demon within the elevator, before shrugging. One demon decided they should continue and smashed the demon in front of him with his elbow. Initiating the second half of the brawl.

Elemental powers of all kinds starting flashing throughout the floor and Y/n just stared at the room. Confused and now, annoyed. He sighed before raising his hand, his grimoire flicking to a page and showing him a word. "Apoplixía" The veins in his hand glowed a soft yellow, reaching the tips of his finger, which crackled with small bolts of electricity. He then clenched his fist releasing a small wave of electricity. The recipients of the start were on the floor completely immobile, the ones behind that gained spasming muscles.

The spell had also powered the entire floor, though it wouldn't last for long, it'd be enough to find the issue.

He folded his arms and watched as the people, who knew who he was, helped them back to their stations. The people that knew he was, were older wiser demons, though they didn't look it, no aging after all. They'd been here for a while, one of them nodded towards him respectfully, basically telling him they'd deal with it.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now