The Return

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The Abyss

Two years...

Two years you've been stuck in the Abyss. It was so boring, it was just a complete loop. Wake up, hunt, cook, trash TV, talk, sleep and the occasional run and hide from Beelzebub then vibe with Tindira.

But this is also the year you officially became Beelzebub's servant... it just sort of happened.

You had just finished hunting and were flying around in the Abyss. Just making sure no monsters were getting too close to the castle.

Until a storm approaches... in the Abyss, where clouds can't form... what the fuck was going on.

You had to go check so you got closer. Only for purple lightning to strike one of the islands.

You go over to it to reveal it made a giant portal has been made to... to Lucifer's throne room.

All of your old friends waiting there on the other side. All of them very sharply dressed.

You were about to fly right in.

Judgement: "HEY LOOK THERE HE IS!" She points out.

But you stop just short, pushing your wings forward to stop your momentum.

Cerberus: "MASTER!" She tries to jump through the portal, but is stopped by Judgement's chains.

Lucifer: "Oh thank goodness!" She probably says because I can do paperwork again.

Malina: "Finally." She says calmly.

Zdrada: "Get here, now." She seems pissed off.

Azazel: "You must tell me all about this place Y/n." She looks around the Abyss.

Pandemonica: "I'm glad you're alive." She says shakily drinking her coffee.

Modeus: "I can finally go on another date."

Justice: "Hey dude, let's go quick, we need to hang out again."

Y/n: "Hey guys..."

Lucifer: "...What's that look on your face? I don't like it."

Pandemonica: "I know that look, that's the smile he uses every time he knows he's gonna piss me off." She says with a glare.

Malina: "We know it all to well..."

Y/n: "Well it's just that I kinda can't leave..."

Zdrada: "Why the fuck not!"

Y/n: "I can't just leave my friends here..."

Malina: "We're your friends dipshit."

Y/n: "I can make more friends. Look they were the only thing keeping me sane for two years... and sheltered, even clothed!" You motion down to your black black blazer, pants and shirt.

Everyone excluding Lucifer and Justice look confused.

Modeus: "Two years? It's only been two months."

Y/n: "Time works way differently here. The only reason I haven't gone insane is because of them."

Lucifer: "Tch, you don't need to worry about them, look everything in there is flawed and an abominati-" She closes her eyes, as she begins listing things.

Y/n: "Bull-shit~" You smile.

Lucifer: "What." Her eyes open wide.

Y/n: "They are great demons and... I refuse to leave without them."

Halfway through Lucifer's aura grows to try and put pressure on you. It only stops you for a second, other than that you are unaffected, Judgement, Cerberus and Justice were the same, as for the others their legs gave out.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now