My Boss and our Awesome Friend

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Envy Ring, Tuum

We see a dirt path slowly turn into an asphalt road with dirt running alongside it.

The dirt soon turning into sidewalk with demons walking along it, the sides of the road start slowly go from trees to brick houses into a concrete jungle. The road starts filling with cars, buildings getting taller, and demons in more formal clothing. Any human walking would believe this was just any old city, ignoring the red sky and demons.

There was only a slight difference the demons were keeping their distance from a and a shirtless scarred demon lugging beast parts and a large duffel bag with a mysterious angel scribbling notes sitting on top of said bag.

Y/n: "We should be arriving any minute now."

Azazel: "You never really explained exactly where we're going." As she pops her head above your shoulder.

Y/n: "Oh yeah, we're going to we're I work, don't worry trust me." You say with a grin.

Azazel: "Well, alright if you say so." She says unconvinced, and leans her head where it was before, on your back.

You continue walking down the street, ignoring the stares a mutterings of the demons around you, some confused most insulting.

You both stand infront of a 20 Storey building, filled with foggy glass windows and a revolving door as an entrance.

You enter the revolving door and come out to a reception area. Seats to the right and left full of animalistic and mystical looking demons.

A receptionist desk, with a grey haired, bearded demon with an extra set of arms in a white tuxedo with a red undershirt.

Y/n: "Hey John." You raise your free arm in a greeting.

John: "Oh! Y/n where we-" He  suddenly shoots up eyes wide at You. You couldn't blame him his friend has a giant claw mark scar on his side, with scratches and bruises all over, lugging multiple things, with a woman popping her head over his shoulder.

John: "THE HELL!" You were surprised at the loudness of his voice, however Azazel seemed more frightened.

Y/n: "Woah, hey calm down no-"

He holds down a button on some pad on his desk. A tired voice is heard.

???: "Yes, what?"

John: "It's Y/n! He's here! Injured and with some strange person."

???: "....Y/n." The voice talks with a slight hint of annoyance, but that alone is enough to scare the shit out of you.

Y/n: "Yes!" You say slightly worried, standing at attention.

???: "Elevator... now." The voice finishes with a beep.

Y/n: "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck I'm finished. Let's go Azazel." I say not letting my internal panic slip out.

You move into the elevator by the desk. The walls and ceiling were chrome, the floor was a green carpet with red pentagram painted onto it. There were no buttons.

Y/n: "Go to fessus." The red pentagram leaks a glow, then stops, the doors than open.

Azazel: "S-so what's um... happening." Azazel, slightly shaken by your friend, asks.

Y/n: "Nothing good probably." You speak truthfully.

The doors open, to a big red office, stacks of papers fill the room with a black desk in the middle of the room.

A demon sits on a turned wheelie chair behind the desk, not allowing you to see her face, while another sits on top of it shooting finger guns at you.

Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now