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Pride Ring, Justice's Mansion

This takes place a few weeks after Beelzebub, Tindria and Y/n get out the Abyss.

Everyone excluding Pandemonica and Judgement is now living in Justice's Mansion. Which means a lot more mess and work.

You were walking out the kitchen two plates in hands, one in tail. You walk into the living room. Where the three strongest demons you've ever met sit at the table waiting for their meals.

Y/n: "Pancakes for Lucy, Steak for Justice and you wanted to try chocolate covered waffles Beel."

You place the plates down on the table.

Y/n: "I'm guessing you'll all be wanting seconds." You sigh.

Justice: "Thirds."

Beelzebub: "And fourths."

Lucifer: "However many they have."

Y/n: "On it." You walk back to the kitchen.


Outside in the forest with Cerberus.

Y/n: "Do I have to."

Cerberus: "Yes!"

Y/n: "Can we not play anything else."

Cerberus: "Nope."

Y/n: "[Sigh] [Whispering] Just don't get caught don't get caught don't get caught..."

You begin zipping of into the forest while the wolf-transformed Cerberus follows behind as you play 'catch' for the next five hours.

This was not normal catch, like catch the ball, this was catch the person. You, we're the person.


At Hell's customer service you were swamped with work paper just kept coming in.

Y/n: "Where the hell are all these papers coming from." You say from your desk.

Pandemonica: "I don't know, don't care let's just get these done!" She say writing and signing papers like a madwoman.

Y/n: "[Groan]"


Justice wanted you to clean her room. You open the door, sorry you struggle got open the door as the trash behind it is heavy.

For some reason there was other stuff then trash like glass, wood and metal bars.

Y/n: "Justice, what the actual fuck? Are you building a house... did you destroy a house?"


You were currently trying to teach Azazel the basics of Alchemy.

Y/n: "I'm not an expert, alright. Just don't blow anything up."

Leaving her with your alchemy set and some ingredients you got. You are trying to learn a bit of alchemy so you can make some health potions, they'll be good to sell, and you can trust those more then what others make.

As soon as you close the door you hear an explosion and smoke come out of Azazel's door.

Opening the door you see your alchemy set with the ingredients destroyed, along with a dazed angel.

Picking her up and taking her up and placing her on her bed to heal her, you sighed.


Y/n, the Helpful Demon (Helltaker x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now