Chapter 3 • Mask

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Includes strong language.

• 1 Week Later •

Instead of ignoring George the whole week, he ignored me for the whole week. He didn't join my streams, texted or called me. He didn't post on social media or stream either.

I was worried to say the least but Sapnap told me that he's spoken to George and everything was fine.

"He's ignoring me on purpose." I thought.

A little part of me felt relieved he was. I thought it would've been easier to shut my feelings away but if anything, it made them grow stronger. And I hated myself everyday for feeling this way.

I've felt this way about George for a while. After years of joking around, the jokes felt less like jokes. They started making me blush and feel things I haven't felt with anyone else.

But I value my friendship with George way more than any "what if" future I want with him.

While daydreaming in bed for what felt like an hour, Sapnap opened my door.

"Get up. We have somewhere to be."

"What?" I sat up and squished my eyebrows together, "Isn't it Saturday? We have nothing planned today. That was the whole point of a day off."

"Trust me, you don't wanna miss what I planned for us today. Now get dressed and be down in 10." He shut the door while smiling.

"What's he planning?" I thought.

After throwing on a hoodie and some sweatpants, I headed downstairs and met with him. He grabbed his car keys and opened the front door.

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?"

"You'll find out soon enough." He smirked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

He drove for a while until we reached the destination.

An airport.

My eyes widened as my hands started to heat up.


"Yeah?" He smiled while parking the car.

"Why're we at the airport...?" I asked nervously with my jaw clenched.

"You'll see." He smirked then quickly ran out of the car towards the entrance.

"There's no way he's doing what I think he's doing. We haven't agreed on a date yet. Hell, George hasn't even gotten his visa accepted yet...right?" I thought.

I hopped out of the car and began walking slowly to the entrance, my nerves skyrocketing.

I arrived in Florida and immediately got struck with a heat wave.


Once I found my luggage, I set it down on the floor and felt arms grab me from behind.

"GOGY! You're real!"

I laughed while rolling my eyes. I turned around to see Sapnap. I bursted out laughing as I raised my hand above his head.

"I'm actually taller than you—I knew it!" I said in between laughs.

"No you're not—" his eyes widened as his smile dropped.

"Yeah I am. Ask anyone." I smiled.

"Okay fine. We'll let Dream decide."

My smile faded.

"Is he here?" I raised my eyebrows.

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