Chapter 52 • Alone

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Includes strong language.

Dream and I drove alone in silence. I kept my head facing the window, my palm leaning against my cheek as my other hand was laid on my lap. I felt his eyes on me several times but I didn't want to fight with him and I knew if I opened my mouth, I would. And I'd regret it.

After some time, he parked the car in a grocery store parking lot. My eyebrows squished together.

"I'll get the ice cream."

I kept quiet as my eyes didn't leave the window. He sighed nervously then left, shutting the door behind him. I turned my head to see him walking farther away from me, I frowned as my jaw clenched.

I thought of what Mae said.


"Okay George, let's say hypothetically, Clay went on a vacation and you couldn't go. There was an important reason why you couldn't go and you would have to be away from him from a week."

My smile faded.

"Say that where he was going had no wifi, you couldn't call him or text him, no communication for a whole week."

"Sounds like hell." I thought as my jaw clenched.

"What's the first thing you would do?"

I sighed as my leg started bouncing.

"I don't know..." I said lowly.

"Try to think hard, what would you do?" She kept eye contact with me.

I clenched my jaw tighter as my leg bounced more.

"She figured out that I couldn't be apart from Dream or I'd freak out..." I thought.

I sighed while looking down at my lap.

"Dream isn't gonna be by my side 24/7 forever. She had a point...God, why did she have to have a point?" I rolled my eyes.

My eyes darted from my lap to the window.

"I can't freak out if Dream leaves me for 5 seconds...I'm 25 years old, not 8..."

I took out my phone from my hoodie then set it in the lower compartment of the car door. Then I took a deep breath, put my hand on the handle and pulled it. The door opened and I locked the doors then slammed the door shut. I put my hands in my pockets as I started walking the opposite way of the store.

After 10 minutes, I made it to the front and paid for the 4 individual ice cream flavors for me, George, Sapnap and Bad. Once I bagged up the containers, I grabbed my receipt and started walking towards the door.

Shortly, I arrived back at the car and pressed the button on my keys to unlock the door. I climbed in and shut the door. My eyes fell to the passengers seat to see George no where in sight.

My eyes widened as I shifted quickly to look in the backseat. He wasn't here. I set the bag down in the passengers seat and grabbed my phone out of my pocket and immediately called him.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon..." I mumbled.

Suddenly, a ringing went off in the bottom compartment on the door. My eyes widened more. I scooted over and grabbed George's phone out of the compartment to see "My Dreamie♥️" was calling him.

I sighed angrily.

"Nice, George." I mumbled then stopped calling.

I put his phone in the console then called Sapnap. I held the phone up to my ear while starting the car. He answered after a few rings.

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