Chapter 62 • Courage

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Includes strong language and blood.

I pulled the trigger but nothing happened.

My eyes widened as I looked at the gun. I pressed the trigger multiple times but still, nothing happened.

It had no bullets in it.

Hunter chuckled.

"Aww, you thought." He swung at me and punched me harder in the face.

My head hit the concrete but this time it was the back of my head. I groaned in pain as I breathed heavily, shutting my eyes. The gun collapsed onto the concrete.

Hunter picked up the gun then took out a bullet from his pocket then loaded the gun with it.

"You tried tricking're gonna regret that." He clenched his jaw then held up the gun at me.

Dream suddenly grabbed Hunter's shoulder and turned him around then punched him hard in the face. Hunter collapsed onto the ground as the gun flew out of his hand towards me.

Hunter got up quickly and went at Dream. I could barely see them since my vision was even blurrier but I could hear them fighting.

My head slowly turned to the left to see the gun touching my elbow. I turned slowly and picked up the gun to see the bullet in it.

I raised the gun to Dream and Hunter struggling. They were side by side as they both had the same force. Hunter threw a punch but Dream grabbed his fist.

I blinked several times then positioned the bottom of the gun to my palm. Then I pointed the gun, focusing on the bullseye.

Without hesitation, I pulled the trigger.

The gunshot went off as Dream gasped.

Hunter collapsed immediately since I shot him straight through the head, straight at the bullseye. Once I did, Dream's eyes widened as my arms fell. He quickly ran to me and knelt down as I could barely keep my eyes open.

"No, no, no—baby c'mon—keep your eyes open—" he held my cheeks as his voice shook.

I took a deep breath as I tried keeping my eyes open the best I could. Dream got out his phone and called 911. They arrived pretty quickly since they were just around the corner.

Once I heard the sirens, my eyes shut fully.


My eyes opened slowly as I heard a faint beeping noise. I squinted as I tried getting used to the bright lighting in the hospital room. Once I realized where I was and what happened, my head slowly turned to the left to see Dream's head leaning against my arm.

I moved my leg which made him shoot his head up at me.

"Thank God—" he kissed my forehead quickly as he held the back of my head then looked back at me, "Do you remember what happened?"

I nodded slowly.

"Good..." he sighed nervously, "You were so badass."

He lightly smiled to cheer me up. I returned the light smile as I shut my eyes again.

"Hunter's dead now..." he said lowly, "I really didn't want that on your conscious, George..."

"It..." I swallowed while breathing out, "It was self's okay..."

He smiled then held my hand, squeezing it lightly.

"Thank you for saving me. You were so brave."

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