Chapter 51• Session

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Includes strong language.

Dream and I woke up before Sapnap and Bad so he could take us to the session. We took showers and ate something small then headed out.

He had one hand placed on the steering wheel as the other one intertwined with mine. I breathed out nervously.

I was extremely nervous for today but having Dream be in the room with me would help.

He kissed the back of my hand which made me smile.

"Think about all the ice cream we'll get after this."

I nodded while smiling, keeping my gaze on my lap.

After some time, we arrived at the office. It was a tall white building that had 2 pillars on each side of the blue front door. Dream shut off the car then looked at me.

"Are you ready?"

My finger tapped against my lap as my eyes stayed on the building.

"She's super nice. She's helped my family with some things before." He lightly smiled at me.

I nodded then swallowed.

"Go in. Do it for Dream." I thought then took a deep breath.

My eyes fell to him, "I'm ready."

He held my cheek and pulled me in for a soft kiss. Then we split apart our hands and stepped out of the car, shutting the doors behind us. He locked the car then we joined hands again. Dream opened the door and we were met by stairs.

He led us down one flight and we were met with a hallway with many doors. Dream opened the closest one to us and let me walk in first. Once I did, he followed close behind then shut the door.

We were now in what looked like a waiting room. He walked to the counter and rung the desk bell.

Shortly, a blonde woman walked through the other door and smiled once she saw us.

"Clay, hello."

"Hi Mae. This is my boyfriend, George."

"Hello George, it's lovely to meet you." She held out her hand with a warm smile.

I smiled back and shook her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too."

"It's my understanding that you want Clay to be in the room with you?"

"Yeah..." I said quietly.

"Then let's go." She opened the door and led us down another hallway and held her hand out, signaling to her room as she stopped at the corner.

Dream and I walked into the room to the right then she stepped inside and shut the door behind her. In the small room was a blue couch along with a small window and a drawer full of things. Also a filing cabinet, computer and a desk chair.

My eyes trailed up to the several degrees on her wall.

"Alright, you two can take a seat." She sat down in her desk chair and grabbed her clipboard.

We sat down as I kept my fingers intertwined with his.

"Okay so first things first, in that drawer next to you is full of little toys for anxiety. You're free to grab and hold any of them during the sessions if you feel anxious." She smiled.

I nodded while looking at the drawer.

"So, Clay told me a few things about what you've been going through and how you both think you might have PTSD. An important thing to remember is to not self-diagnose yourself."

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