Chapter 31 • Here

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Includes strong language.

After some time, we made it to the part of the movie where Flynn cuts Rapuzels hair. I set my empty popcorn bowl down next to me then looked up at Dream.

His face was drowned with tears as he looked so broken. His eyes were glued to the TV.

My eyes widened as I filled with anxiety.

"Are you okay??" I whispered.

He swallowed hard then met my gaze.

"Yeah...this part is just sad..." he lied with a light smile.

I nodded, unsure. I turned my attention back to the movie as I tried finding his hand under the blanket. Once I did, I intertwined our fingers while squeezing his hand. I set my head on his shoulder then he laid his head on mine.

After the movie ended, Sapnap's phone rang.

"It's Olivia."

"Take it. We can take a break." I stood up, removing the blankets.

Sapnap smiled then answered the phone, immediately walking upstairs without looking at us. I looked down to Dream to see him staring at the floor. I sighed then grabbed his hand.


His eyebrows squished together then I led us to his room, shutting the door behind us.

"What's bothering you?" I crossed my arms.

"Nothing..." he lied.

"Dream, don't lie please. What's wrong?" I frowned.

Tears flooded my eyes fast.

"Nothing, George..." I mumbled.

I didn't want him worrying about me. I just got him back. I didn't wanna make him sad.

"Dream, I'm here for you, okay...? I don't like seeing you sad and clearly something's bothering you."

I swallowed hard as my heart felt heavy. After being silent for a few moments, George frowned then he suddenly hugged me tightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist while leaning his cheek against my chest.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I shut my eyes as my face squished together then bursted out in a sob while holding him tightly.

My lip quivered as I couldn't stop my cries. He held me tighter with a frown.

I felt so broken. My heart hurt so badly. I just wanted the pain to stop. I wished with everything I had that the last few weeks hadn't happened. That they were just one big horrible dream but I couldn't ignore it. I couldn't fix it. I couldn't change it. I think that's what hurt the most.

My knees suddenly buckled under me as I cried more. I collapsed onto my knees and George followed and wouldn't let go.

The last time I saw him crying this way was when we had our fight about the fake Olivia. It hurt my heart that night seeing him like that. But it's hurting my heart more today because I know this time around, he's hurting more.

I had a feeling it had something to do with everything that's happened. He wasn't okay. Seeing that photo of us in the kitchen earlier, I looked at his eyes and I could tell something was off but I didn't think it was this bad.

"I'm's okay..." I whispered.

After some time, his cries died down. We sat together on the floor, leaning against his bed. I was holding him as his head was buried in my lap. I ran my hand through his hair, whispering little compliments to him, repeating how much I loved him.

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