Chapter 21 • Threat

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Includes strong language and blood.

Everyone was gone now except us. Even the monotoned worker wasn't around. I slowly backed up into the wall while he followed.

"What're you doing here? I was supposed to be meeting Nick."

"Our phones got switched by, accident." He lied with a smile, "I wanted to talk to you about Clay."

"What's there to talk about? He loves me and not you." I raised my eyebrows while crossing my arms.

"I doubt he'll love you after this." He smirked then swung his arm at me.

He punched me hard in the face, making me collapse.

"What the fuck—" I thought then he grabbed the collar of my shirt and began giving me more and more blows to the face.

I groaned in pain after each punch, my head knocking against the cold floor each time. Then he gave me a nasty kick to the gut. I held my stomach tightly while groaning. Then he gave me one more blow straight to the head as hard as he could.

I blacked out as my head hit hard against the cold floor.

After a lot more traffic than I wanted, I finally made my way to the skating rink. I pushed the door open and looked around. There was no one here. Then I looked to the left and could make out something. I squinted and walked towards it.

It was George.

My eyes widened as I quickly ran to him. I slid across the floor and grabbed his head. He had a thick trail of blood on the side of his head along with a bleeding nose. The blood from his nose was trailing down to his lips. He also had a black eye.

"Fuck—George! George—wake up!" I yelled while shaking his head.

After he didn't wake up, I grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed 911.

"H—hi my friend he—he got beat up pretty bad. Our address is xxx. P—please come—" I stuttered.

Once they arrived a few minutes later, they put George on the stretcher and took him away. I followed behind the ambulance in my car.

We both made it to the hospital safely. I waited in the waiting room while my leg bounced.

"I should call Dream." I thought while sighing.

I took out George's phone from my pocket and found Dream's contact as:

"My Dreamie♥️"

I pressed dial and breathed out nervously. He answered almost immediately.

"Hey baby." I heard him smile.

"Dream, it's Sap."

"Again? What's going on?"

"George he..." I gulped nervously, "He got beat up pretty bad man..."

I immediately heard shuffling on his end along with the jingle of keys.

"Where are you?" He asked firmly.

"The hospital."

"Fuck..." I heard him mumble, "I'm coming."

I scratched the back of my head while glaring at the floor.

"What happened??"

"Hunter, he switched our phones last night when we were playing Call of Duty and..."

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