Chapter 60 • Cooking

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Includes strong language.

• 1 Month Later •


Dream and I have been going to Mae's office everyday for a month. We had sessions together and separately to heal from everything that's happened. After the first month, things finally felt normal again so we didn't feel the need to go anymore.

We woke up next to each other everyday without any weight on our shoulders, along with our genuine smiles. It felt incredible.

• A New Day •

Dream's alarm woke us up at 10am like usual. Once it did, he turned to the right to shut it off. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I couldn't help but look up at his eyes as a genuine smile formed on my face.

He turned back to me and smiled since he saw me smiling.

"Morning baby." He giggled and kissed my forehead, "What got you smiling like that?"

"You obviously."

He rested his finger under my chin to raise my head up. He connected our lips softly with a smile.

"What do you wanna do today?"

"Glad you asked." I grinned, "I wanna do a cooking stream with you."

"Ouu okay. What do you wanna make?"

"A cake. A celebration cake."

"What're we celebrating?"

"The genuine smile on your face." I smiled with a blush.

He smiled back then held me tighter.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more."

"Don't start with that today." He joked which made me laugh.

Shortly, we both got up and started the day. After taking showers, I put on my cooking stream outfit as he wore his signature yellow, really green, hoodie.

I met him in his room to show him my outfit. When his eyes met mine, he instantly grinned.

"Wow..." he said softly.

Seeing him in the outfit in real life was so different from seeing it in his streams.

He looked so cute, so handsome, so adorable, so...happy.

I loved every moment of it.

He walked to me with a nervous smile.


"You just knocked the wind out of me."

George laughed while rolling his eyes.

"You're such an idiot." He joked.

"I'm serious. You look so cute." I giggled while adjusting his hat to fit him better.

"I'm probably not gonna keep the hat on."

I grinned as an idea came into my head.

"Good. I love your hair just the way it is."

He giggled in the cute way he does.

After that, we started to set everything up in the kitchen for the stream. Sapnap was luckily at Olivia's house so we could have the kitchen to ourselves without him interrupting.

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