Chapter 32 • Ready

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Includes strong language and smut.

This fanfic is just for fun sooo yeah I'm not saying they should actually have sex. If you don't wanna read it, I'll put beginning and stopping points so yeah シ

❥They'll have sex other times in this book so if u don't wanna read the parts just skip it lmao. I refuse to be a pussy again cause I was too nervous to write smut in my last 3 books so here we go lmao.

I see people comment on fanfics and freak out in the comments about the smut but y'all—don't freak out if you're choosing to read it LMAOOOO ANYWAYS—enjoy :3

• 2 Weeks Later •

George and I finally got back to our normal. We had the same routine everyday. Wake up next to each other, blush like idiots, make out, and hangout with Sapnap. It felt perfect.

Today Sapnap invited us to a double date with him and Olivia.

After waking up to my handsome baby, we both took showers and got dressed. I wore a green t-shirt with a black jacket and jeans. Meanwhile, he wore a teal hoodie along with black sweatpants.

Once I got ready, I walked in his room to see him smiling at himself in the tall mirror as he adjusted his hood. I couldn't help but grin as I wrapped my arms around his waist, my chin resting on his shoulder.

He instantly blushed while smiling.

"You look so pretty today, Georgie." I kissed the side of his head.

He giggled, "So do you, Dreamie."

I smirked then he took his phone out of his hoodie pocket and opened his camera app. He flipped the camera around to face the mirror.

"Pose for the camera."

I laughed, keeping my hands around his waist. He held up a peace sign over my shoulder as we both smiled for the mirror pic.

Once he snapped it, he immediately uploaded it to Instagram. For his caption, he added a simple smiley face. I couldn't help but smile with a hard blush.

I was always the one in the past taking photos of us and now George was the one doing it. It was so cute how he was feeling more comfortable about it. And every time he'd post us, he'd include a smiley face in every caption. It made me feel butterflies all the way around.

Shortly, we walked downstairs to meet Sapnap on the couch. Olivia came over a few moments later and welcomed Sapnap with a hug and a kiss. She wore a light pink skirt with a white tank top.

After our small talk, we headed to George's favorite restaurant, which also happened to be mine. We took our seats at the booth then the waitress walked up to us moments later. She was a ginger.

"Hi, what can I get for ya?" She held up her notepad and a pen with a smile.

"I'll get a cheeseburger with fries." He set his menu down.

"I'll have the same."

"I'll have a Greek salad with extra croutons." She smiled.

The waitress nodded while writing down our orders then gazed over at George. He squished his eyebrows while reading the menu. After a few moments of silence, he shot his eyes up to us.

"Sorry—I'll have um..."

We giggled as he concentrated on the menu.

"I guess I'll have a burger but with no tomatoes. I hate tomatoes." He cringed while setting the menu down.

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