Chapter 68 • Calls

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Includes strong language.

It was now midnight. Officially the second day when I wouldn't wake up to holding George in the morning.

If he was here, we'd be watching a movie, making out, playing Minecraft or whatever he wanted to do...if he was here I'd feel safer.

I laid on my back on my mattress, the covers raised to my neck. My eyes stared at the ceiling as my thoughts took over.

I missed him so much. So much that I felt sick to my stomach, so much that I wanted to cry, so much that I wanted to break the rules and call him just to hear his voice, just to know he's okay, just to make myself feel okay again.

My gaze trailed to my phone face down on my nightstand. Then an idea popped into my head. I grabbed my phone then shut it down. After that, I held the phone up to my ear.

I lightly smiled as the tears filled my eyes fast.

"Hey George..." I spoke to myself, pretending George was on the other line, "I hope you're doing better than I am..."

I swallowed hard while staring at my closed door.

"I miss you..." I frowned, "I um...I had a dream today, basically yesterday and..."

I sighed while pinching the bridge of my nose.

"You told me you didn't wanna come back to Florida..." I spoke quietly as I paused.

The tears escaped my eyes, falling down to my cheeks onto my pillow.

"I don't wanna overthink but..." I gulped nervously while looking up at my blurry ceiling, "I really hope this time apart doesn't...doesn't change how you..."

My voice trailed off as my lip quivered.



"I hope this time apart doesn't make you..." I breathed out nervously while staring at my ceiling, my dead phone held up to my ear, "I hope you still..."

My voice trailed off as my lip quivered.

"I um..." I took a deep breath, "I wrote a list of things I wanna do when we get reunited."

I lightly smiled while wiping my tears away with my sleeve. I sniffled then looked to the right side of me, wishing Dream was here next to me.

"Um..." my breathing quickened as my thoughts distracted me, "I..."

I shut my eyes tightly as my chest felt tightened.

"I miss you..." my voice cracked as my face squished together.

I gripped my phone and threw it against my closet door angrily then bursted out in a sob while covering my face up with the collar of my t-shirt.

Around my siblings, I kept that fake smile on but on the inside, it was killing me being apart from Dream. I missed everything about him. His contagious wheezes, his cuddles, his kisses, everything.

I let my tear-stained collar fall as my lip quivered. Then my eyes trailed to my desk. That's when an idea hit.

I sniffled while wiping my tears away with my sheet then I shakily stood up to walk to my desk. When I did, I sat down and grabbed a piece of paper along with a pen.

Then I began re-writing the list.

I didn't know what time I fell asleep but it was definitely late.

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