Chapter 71 • Rough

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Includes strong language and smut.

Once we made it to his car, memories flooded back into my mind of the last time we did it in the car, making me smirk.

Dream and I ripped our clothes off of each other as we were devouring each other's mouths immediately slamming the doors, locking them. Our tongues intertwined as he bit my bottom lip, making me let out a small whine.

It didn't take long for our clothes to hit the floor. Once they were off, Dream grabbed my waist and hoisted me on his lap, immediately gripping my neck to plant rough hickeys all over it.

His teeth sunk down into my skin as he inserted two fingers into me instantly. I gasped out a moan as I gripped his blonde locks roughly, tilting my head to give him better access to my neck.

Dream scissored me at a fast rate as he bit down farther, making me a moaning mess as I gripped his hair tighter.

"Y—yeah." I moaned, "Make me feel good..."

He lifted his head off of me with a devilish smirk. Dream licked his own fingers while keeping eye contact with me as he froze what he was doing. He wrapped his hand around it and began pumping it harshly while scissoring me more, adding a third finger.

I gasped as I gripped his shoulder with a loud moan, making my eyes shut tightly.

"Dream...!" I breathed heavily.

"This feel good, baby?" He stared at me trembling.

I nodded quickly as I bit my lip. Suddenly, I felt a knot forming in my stomach.

"D—Dream—" I got cut off my a moan.

Dream understood immediately as he bit his lip, hurrying his pace on both.

"I—I'm gonna—"

After a few moments, I released onto him with a sluttish moan. Dream grinned at me, instantly taking his fingers out of me to grab my hips.

"Don't." I stopped him before he could do anything.

His eyes shot up to me as he was now filled with concern.

"Remember how I said one day I'd make you regret it?" I smirked.

Dream's lips curled up into a wide grin.


I had one hand in his hair and the other, I slid down his body, stopping once I looked below at us. Dream bit his lip while staring at me, waiting for my next move.

I tilted my head down to his neck and instantly started kissing it, slowly just to tease him. Even though, it was really teasing both of us.

I imagined all the times I wanted to be with him, all the scandalous dreams I've had about him back in England.

I suddenly wrapped my hand around it, making him gasp. At the same time, I bit down on his neck, giving him a hickey as I moved my hand slowly up and down, gripping his hair.

He groaned slightly while tilting his head to give me better access. I then didn't hold back and started jerking him at a faster change of pace as I started kissing another spot on his neck.

"Fuck..." he groaned.

"That feel good?" I smirked, "I bet you've been aching for me to do this to you...I bet it kept you up at night, just for me to treat you like this..."

I spoke low in his ear as I moved my hand up and down as fast as I could, all while biting down on his neck to form another hickey. He groaned louder.

"Fuck George..." he took deep breaths.

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