Chapter 36 • Backseat

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Includes strong language and smut.

Dream and I spent the rest of the day in his bed, relaxing. We watched a couple movies along with viewing more edits of us on our phones, hearting some of them.

Some of the fans wanted us to stream once a week with our face cams on so they could make more edits of us. Also so they can see how their ship sailed.

Dream was fine with that but it made me a little uneasy. Dream's the boyfriend who wants every single person to know we're together. Meanwhile, I'm the one who likes to keep things more private. Hell, we don't even kiss that much around Sapnap.

I liked being ourselves when we're alone and it's a side of myself that I only want Dream seeing. He understood that perfectly which was a relief. We did decide though to stream our face cams once a month to give the fans something.

After a long day, we fell asleep in each other's arms like usual.

• A Week Later •

Once my eyes opened slowly, I immediately yawned. I woke up to see Dream smiling at me. My cheeks heated up immediately as I turned away.

"You're such a creeper." I joked while he laughed and kissed my forehead.

"Good morning to you too."

I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"What do you wanna do today?"

"We should do something fun." I said with a yawn.

"Okay, leave that to me." He smirked.

I yawned again wiped the tears that formed in my eyes.


"Are you still tired?" He laughed.

I yawned a bigger yawn then groaned.

"Ugh. Oh my god, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm gonna shower to wake myself up."


"Hm?" I looked at him.

"I know a good way to wake you up." He smirked while looking at my lips.

My eyes widened as they heated up fast.


He grinned.

"Sapnap is here, we can't do that."

"We can be quiet." He smiled.

"Dream." I laughed.

He started to kiss my neck slowly while rubbing my shoulder.

"D—Dream..." I breathed out.

I had to admit, seeing Dream this way actually turned me on a little. But Sapnap was here, we couldn't do it.

He began kissing my neck more while rubbing his thumb along my neck. I breathed out again while shutting my eyes. It felt so good. He continued for a little bit then grinned at me.

"Did you like that?"

"Y—yes..." I gulped, "But—"

He instantly connected our lips as he hovered over me. I don't know what overcame me but I started to run my hands through his hair as I pulled him closer to me. He smiled into the kiss as he ran his hand up my thigh.

I started to heat up under the covers. He slowly pulled away.

"You know, I had a dream about you last night." He grinned.

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