Chapter 42 • Lies

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Includes strong language.

After we cuddled for a while in the bathtub, my legs felt better. Not all the way but enough. Once we dried ourselves off, we went back to his room to get dressed as our towels dangled on us.

He reached for his sweatshirt when I stopped him.

"Nope. No sweatshirt today. I wanna take you out on a date."

He laughed while raising his eyebrows.

"YOU wanna take ME on a date?" His eyes lit up.

"Duh, that's what I just said." I joked.

"So you're in control today I guess." He smiled.

"Yeah. I want us to have a good day today." I stepped closer to him, laying my hand on his bare chest, "I wanna be the reason you have a smile today."

He pouted then looked down with a smile.

"George, you make me smile everyday."

"Good. But todays gonna be extra so wear the tux from those one photos." My eyes widened with a grin.

He laughed, "Okay. What're you gonna wear?"

"I'm gonna go out and buy a tux."

His smile dropped.

"I'll come with you."

"But I want it to be a surprise."

"I'm gonna see you in it anyways. Besides, I wanna be around you today."

I smiled, "Fine."

He lightly smiled then looked at his closet.

"Which one do you want to temporarily wear?"

I shrugged.

"Surprise me."

He pushed through the hoodies until he found the black smiley faced one. He smiled then handed it to me.

"Go nuts."

I laughed then slipped it on, already feeling warmer. I smiled with a blush as the sleeves covered my hands. He laughed.

"You're so cute."

I grinned then he picked out a hoodie. After we both got done getting dressed, we grabbed our phones and headed to the car. He locked the front door then climbed in the drivers seat as I sat in the passengers.

I couldn't help but look over my shoulder at the backseat. I bursted out laughing as I remembered the last time we were in here.

"What?" He smiled while squishing his eyebrows together.

"Just thinking of the last time we were in here..." I mumbled.

He looked in the backseat and wheezed.

"That was a good day. A good morning actually...we always do it in the morning—" he wheezed again while setting his head back.

I rolled my eyes with a blush.

"Not the first time."

"We take turns too. Have you realized that?" He laughed as his eyes lit up.

My eyebrows squished together.

"The first time, you initiated in. The second time it was me and then this morning you did. That means the next time will be me." He grinned.

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