Chapter 15 • Reveal

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Includes strong language.

After hanging out with Dream, Sapnap and Bad for a week, Bad had to go back home. Dream drove us to the airport to say goodbye.

"I had such a fun time! I'm gonna miss you muffins." He smiled while hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you too. Now I'm gonna third wheel." He pouted.

I rolled my eyes with a smile. Bad's flight was called and he waved to us goodbye. He handed the lady his ticket and boarded on the plane. I held Dream's hand while smiling.

"What do you guys wanna do now?"

"Actually, I want us to go out Dream."

"Cool! House to myself. Bye!" He smiled and ran away.

We laughed then Dream gazed down at me.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I have an idea." I smiled.

He drove us to the forest again. We left the car and started walking down the path while our fingers intertwined.

My thoughts trailed.

"So, why'd you wanna come here?"

"Well, it's quiet, beautiful and it reminds me of you." I smiled at him.

He smiled back with a blush.

"I also, wanted to talk to you about something." I stopped walking.

He turned to me nervously while swallowing hard.

"Okay...about what?"

"I wanna tell the fans about us today." I breathed out nervously, "And, before you say I don't have to...I want to. I'm just...scared to."

"Why?" He held my waist gently.

"You know how it went down with my parents. I just...I'm afraid of what everyone's gonna say. And, I'm pretty sure that my parents watch my videos so..." I looked down while clenching my jaw.

He lifted up my chin to meet his eyes.

"Baby it'll be okay." His eyes softened as he smiled.

A grin immediately formed on my face as did a hard blush.

"I love it when you call me baby."

"Good. It suits you." He smiled then held my cheek.

He gazed at my lips then back up to my eyes. I did the same. After a few moments, we leaned in slowly and connected our lips.

I still felt the butterflies. God, I was so crazy about him. He always knew how to make me feel loved and safe.

I split us apart as a thought entered my mind. My smile faded.

"George?" His smile faded as his eyebrows squished together, "What's wrong?"


"No, tell me. You aren't ruining the moment, I promise. What's wrong?" He frowned.

I sighed nervously then looked up at him.

"Do you..." I started then I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, " you think you...see a future with me...?"

A grin slowly formed on his face.

"Of course I do. I always have." He held my cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, "Do you see a future with me?"

I nodded while smiling like an idiot.

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