Chapter 13 • Forest

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Includes strong language.

Today I woke up before Dream for once. His arms were wrapped around my waist as his head was in my hair. I turned towards him and couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked when he was asleep. I held his cheek slowly and rubbed it with my thumb while admiring him. He slowly opened his eyes to meet mine.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Since when are you up before me?" He chuckled and held my hand against his cheek.

"Since today I guess."

He kissed my hand and put it back on his cheek.

"You always look so pretty when you wake up, Georgie." He smiled.

"I could say the same thing about you."

After I said that, tears rose in his eyes. My eyes widened as my smile faded.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just...everyday I wake up and, you're here...I love it that you're here with me, George."

I couldn't help but blush with a grin while looking at his shirt.

"Todays gonna be a good day if you stay off your phone." He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, okay. No technology day. Except can we play Minecraft?" I pouted while smiling.

He laughed, "Sure. Now?"

"Wait—" I cuddled closer to him and hugged him tightly.

He hugged me back while laughing.

"What's this for?"

I looked up and met his eyes.

"For dealing with me yesterday."

His smile faded.

"George, I'm always gonna take care of you. It's not dealing with you, it's being there for you."

My eyes trailed down to his shirt again.

"I'm enough for you...right?"

"George—" his eyes widened then he sat up.

He held my arms and sat me up.

"George, you're more than enough for me. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. Don't get the two mixed up, now." He lightly smiled.

"You deserve me too, Dream." I held his cheek while smiling.

"You know what? We're gonna ditch them today. We're gonna go out and have a good day together. That way, I can have you all to myself and so that Sapnap doesn't bitch about third wheeling again." He raised his eyebrows with a smile.

I giggled, "Deal."

He leaned in and kissed my lips softly. I held his cheeks and kissed him back.

Every time he kissed me, I felt lucky to be alive. It felt amazing. Sometimes I couldn't believe I was so stupid to not see how happy I could be.

We split apart and he held my hands.

"I love you so much, George."

"I love you too, Dream."

We smiled at each other with blushes across our cheeks.

After explaining to Sapnap and Bad that we were gonna have a solo day by ourselves, they went on and had a day to themselves too.

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