Chapter 20 • Switch

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Includes strong language.

That night, Sapnap never came home. I assumed it was because he was with Olivia.

I held George in my arms as he was asleep. I've been thinking for 3 hours straight about how to handle Hunter.

It actually pissed me off the more than I thought about Sapnap not being here anymore. I never see him with George anymore, same with me. He's just always with Olivia. I guess I knew now how he must have felt when he was constantly third wheeling. And how George was feeling when I would always go out on business, saying I was with an Olivia.

"This is an ironic slap in the balls." I thought while rolling my eyes.

I looked down and felt George breathing against my neck. I smiled at him and ran my hand through his hair gently.

I appreciated George being here with me everyday, even though my fears crept up sometimes, I was hopeful that George and I would be okay no matter what. I still do believe that. I refused to let Hunter break us up.

After brushing my teeth in Olivia's bathroom, I peaked my head into Hunters room. He was playing Call of Duty on his ps5.

"Hey man, could we talk?"

"Sure." He paused his game and turned around to face me.

I sat down on his desk chair.

"Is this about Olivia?"

"Actually, it's about George."

He smiled, "Okay."

"Things just looked pretty intense at the rink today. I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

"Yeah, everything's cool." He lied.

" more question, do you..." I sighed, "This might be a dumb question but you like Clay?"

The question caught him off guard then he chuckled.

"Um, no...I'm," he swallowed hard, "straight."

"Are you sure?"

He bursted out laughing as he raised his eyebrows.

"Are you sure??"

I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Sorry—I didn't mean it like that."

"It's all good man." He smiled, "Is that all you wanted to ask?"

"Yeah, sorry for bothering you."

"You're fine. Did you wanna join in on a round?" He held up another controller with a smile.

"Sure, why not?" I gave in and grabbed the controller from him.

I woke up to see light seeping through the curtains. I felt my sweaty chest under my shirt and it felt on fire. My eyes widened until I looked at Dream sleeping to see his chest sweaty too under his shirt.

"It's hot today, damn." I thought then grabbed my phone off of the nightstand to see 2 messages.

One from Sapnap and one from my dad.

My flight is tonight
I should be in Florida by tomorrow
There's going to be a small surprise

I clenched my jaw and sighed as I already knew what it was.

The address is xxx

After texting him back, I viewed Sapnap's text.

Meet me at the roller skating rink today at 12
Come alone
I talked to Hunter

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