Chapter 74 • Quiz

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Includes strong language.

I woke up feeling warm and content. Then, I realized why. Dream was laying his head on my chest as he held onto my waist tightly. He let out small snores.

I instantly smiled at him as I ran my hand through his hair lightly. In response, he lightly smiled, mumbling something incoherent in his deep sleep.

I sighed as I frowned at him, swallowing hard.

"I still love you..." I whispered.

He didn't respond from his deep sleep. My stomach growled, making an idea pop into my head.

I slowly managed to get out of his grasp to go into the kitchen.

My eyes slowly opened as I shifted, moving my hands around in the bed to find George when there was no one there.

My eyebrows squished together with a frown.

"Was all that a dream?" I thought.

Suddenly, George walked in the room with two plates of eggs with toast. He lightly smiled once he noticed I was awake.

"About damn time you woke up."

I rolled my eyes with a smile, sitting up. He set the plate down across from me.

"You didn't have to cook me breakfast."

"I wanted to..." he shyly smiled at me.

I nodded slowly as I raised my eyebrows.

"By the way, why are your cabinets different? There's plates where the cups used to be and other stuff, it confused me."

I frowned slightly, looking down at my plate.

"I um...I stayed home most of the time...I got bored so I organized things, the cabinets made me have a sense of control I guess..." I mumbled.

George sighed then he looked up to meet my eyes.

"I can leave if you want me to..."

I swallowed hard at my eggs.

"Do you actually hate me...?" He spoke quietly.

"No...I could never hate you, George."

He lightly smiled at me, looking like some weight on his shoulders faded away.

"So..." I started to mess around with my eggs, "Does Sapnap know you're here?"

He shook his head.

"I wanted you to be the first one to see me..." he looked away from me, "I wanted you to be my first for everything..."

I sighed.

"But you still haven't taught me to drive yet which is dumb." He smiled at me.

"Okay well," I smiled back, "You haven't brought it up and we've been busy."

"You should teach me. I'm ready to learn now."

"Okay...we can do that if you stay long enough." I blurted out by accident.

He frowned, sighing at his plate.

"Do you see a future with me anymore...?" His voice was weak.

I clenched my jaw as I swallowed hard.

"Can we not talk about this?"

I nodded slowly as slight tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

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