Chapter 9 • Don't

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Includes strong language and attempted suicide.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Dream's chest as his arms were wrapped around me. I smiled as I felt warm inside. Then I couldn't stop the thoughts from yesterday entering my mind.

"She's gone. She's really gone. I left her alone and I left my dad alone to deal with it by himself, along with my siblings. Does this mean I have to go back to England? I don't wanna go back. I need Dream to be with me in real life instead of over a stupid game for kids." I thought, "I never got to say goodbye...she said that I was a waste of 9 months...maybe she was right..."

Tears formed in my eyes as my jaw clenched. Dream groaned and slowly began opening his eyes. He slept with the mask on. I tilted my head up to meet his eyes. Once he saw tears in mine, his eyes widened.

"Hey—are you okay?" He asked in a raspy voice.

My thoughts distracted me once again.

"His morning voice is so much deeper than his normal voice...I can't even see his mouth say those words...he said I was good enough to see his face but clearly I'm not. He doesn't want me seeing Clay. He just wants me to see his stupid internet personality. I think of him as more than an online friend. Clearly he doesn't see me as more than that." I thought as the tears fell down my face.

He hugged me tightly and I leaned my forehead against his chest, shutting my eyes.

"Everything will be okay, George." He whispered.

For a split second, I believed him. But I knew the second this situation passes, he'd go right back to ignoring me for Olivia.

I clenched my jaw at that thought. He pulled away.

"I'm gonna go make us some breakfast, okay?"

I nodded slowly while keeping my hard stare at his chest. He sighed nervously then got up and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

After leaving George, I was ambushed by Sapnap. He pulled me by the wrist and trapped me in my room.

"Is he okay??"

"Not really..." I looked down.

"What happened?"

"His mom died..."

His eyes widened then he shut his eyes.


"He's a complete mess. I'm really worried about him." I frowned.

"He'll be okay, eventually. We just need to make today a good day for him."

"I agree. Which is why I'm gonna make us breakfast."

"Good cause I'm starving." He raised his eyebrows while I rolled my eyes.

I went into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror, emotionless. I then remembered how I hung up on my dad. After taking a deep breathe, I decided to text him.

I'm sorry for hanging up yesterday
I was in shock

It's okay, son

Did she suffer

I hope not...
I wasn't there when it happened
I got the call while I was at work
Are you going to come back to England?

I clenched my jaw as I felt the elephant come back on my chest. Along with the tears. I swallowed hard.

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