Chapter 37 • Friendship

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Includes strong language.

He drew me another warm bubble bath to soothe the pain from the back seat. Then he left to get iHop for all of us to eat.

After my legs felt better, I climbed out of the bathtub and dried myself off. My eyes shot up to the mirror and my eyes widened at my hickeys. They didn't look as bad as they did the first time we did it but they still looked pretty bad. I giggled to myself then left the bathroom.

I put on one of Dream's hoodies and made my way to the kitchen, expecting to see Sapnap like usual but instead, I saw no one. My eyebrows squished together as I saw the time.


"Did he sneak out to Olivia's again?" I thought, heading upstairs to check.

Once I made my way upstairs to his room, I saw his door shut.

"He never has his door shut." I thought then knocked on the door.


No answer.

I decided to just open the door and make my way in. Once I swung the door open, I saw him in bed on his side, holding himself in a ball. He had tears streaming down his cheeks. My eyes widened then I kneeled to him.


His eyes met mine then they trailed down to my neck.

"Did you two fuck while I was here??" He looked disgusted and shocked at the same time.

"N—no...not in the house..." I mumbled, looking away from him.

He sighed as he shut his eyes.

"Why're you crying?"

He clenched his jaw then looked down at the floor.

"A friend of mine from Texas..." he started as another tear spilled from his eye, "Something happened to him..."

His lip quivered a bit as he scrunched his nose, staring at the carpet.

"He didn't...did he?" I asked quietly.

He nodded while clenching his jaw harder.

"C'mere." I frowned.

He sat up and I wrapped my arms over his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he leaned his cheek against my shoulder with a frown.

"I haven't seen him in so long, man..." he said lowly, "I never got the chance to say..."

He huffed as he started crying on my shoulder. He tried holding it in but it didn't do much. I rubbed his back as I held him tighter.

"It's okay, he knew how much you loved him." I talked softly.

He buried his head in my shoulder as his hands shook on my back.

"I'm here for you, it's okay."

He cried it out as we stayed in his bed hugging. After a while, his cries died down as we stayed in bed cuddling. He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Thanks for being here, George." He said quietly.

"It's no problem." I smiled.

Shortly, we heard the front door slam.

"He left?"

"Yeah, he got iHop for all of us."

"I'll be down in a minute..." he spoke lowly.

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