Chapter 44 • Close

105 2 7

Includes strong language.

My leg bounced as my elbows rested on my knees. I kept my blurry vision glued to the tile. My sister walked up to me with a water bottle.

"Here." She handed it to me.

I took it and immediately set it down in the chair next to me. She sighed with a frown, sitting down on the other side of me.

"He'll be okay."

I clenched my jaw while keeping my gaze on the tile, more tears flooding my eyes as I felt a frog in my throat.

Sapnap rushed in through the front doors. He looked over and met my eyes. He ran to me. I immediately stood up and he hugged me tightly. My lip quivered as I rested my cheek against his shoulder.

"He'll be okay..." he whispered.

I shut my eyes as my tears collapsed on his shirt. After a few moments, we split apart. I wiped my tears.

"Your parents are at the police station. After all of our statements, they'll be locked up for a while."

I looked at Y/N. She set her head down with a frown. I sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

"It's okay..." she breathed out, "They had a conversation with me while I was in that room...they don't care about me I'm not gonna care about them..."

I held her hand as she squeezed mine. Sapnap frowned at us then sat down on the other side of me.

We sat in the waiting room for what felt like a million years. Bad thoughts kept entering my mind. I couldn't stop my tears from rushing down my face either. Y/N and Sapnap kept reassuring me it'd be okay but my mind kept going to the worst situation.

I ended up falling asleep on Y/N's shoulder as all my exhaustion caught up to me.


I woke up to Y/N shaking my shoulder.

"George—wake up."

My eyes opened slowly as I shifted in the uncomfortable seat.

"What happened?"

"Dream is awake." He smiled while resting his hand on my shoulder.

My eyes widened then I quickly stood up.

"Room 108." She smiled.

I ran down the hall as fast as I could. At the end of the hallway was Room 108. I breathed out nervously then swallowed hard. I hovered my hand over the handle and blinked away all my tears. I wiped them away then opened the door.

When I entered, my eyes met with Dream's. He lightly smiled at me as his eyelids were heavy.

"Hi baby..." he said quietly.

My lip quivered as I pouted. It's felt like such a long time since he's called me "baby". Even though it's only been 2 days.

I shut the door and immediately went to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I leaned our heads together as I already felt more tears coming.

"It's okay..."

I pulled apart as my lip quivered more. I sat down next to him and held his hand as my vision became blurrier.

"So much happened..."

He nodded slowly.

"I don't know what I would have done if you weren't..." my voice shook as I breathed out, looking down at our hands.

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