Chapter 16 • Nightmare

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Includes strong language.

After downloading Wattpad and creating an account, I typed DNF into the search bar.

"Do you actually wanna do this?" He laughed.

"Why not?" I smiled then saw the story 'Flowers from 1970', "Hey we should read this one. The fans always mention it. It has to be good, right?"

He immediately pouted while looking down.


"I've read it before..."

I bursted out laughing, "Really?"

"Yeah. It's hella sad but hella good at the same time." He smiled.

"Well now I'm curious."

He sat up and started walking out of the room. My eyebrows squished together.

"Where're you going?"

"To get tissues. You're gonna need them." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes while smiling.


Dream kept his arms wrapped around me tightly as I read the last chapter. After reading the last words, I pouted as my face was drowned in tears.

"What the fuck...?" I whispered.

He wheezed while taking a tissue out and running it across my cheek.

"I lost you twice." I couldn't stop more tears from rolling down my face.

He laughed, "Baby it's okay. It's just a story."

"A fantastic story but damn. I feel like my heart just got dragged across the room. Especially because we're here together in real life, dating. Ugh." I grabbed the tissue and wiped the other side of my face.

"It's okay baby. You won't ever lose me, especially not twice." He smiled then set the tissue down.

"I hope not. Well now I finally get all the references the fans make all the time."

"Yeah, the writing is amazing."

"So since you've read this one already..." I smirked, "Does that mean you've read other ones about us?"

His smile dropped.

"Um..." he looked away, "No..."

I chuckled, "Yeah right."

He cleared his throat then grabbed the tissues, setting them down on the desk.

"We should get to bed."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

He climbed into bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He shut his eyes while we faced each other. A thought entered my mind as I smirked.

"Have you read the ones where we have sex?"

His eyes shot open as his cheeks heated up. He stayed frozen, staring at me. I giggled.

"I guess that's my answer. Night idiot." I smiled then turned to my side.

Soon, I drifted off to sleep with the biggest smile on my face.


I opened my eyes to see myself alone in the bed. The room was pitch black other than the faint light in the corner of the room. The desk lamp. I swung my feet over the bed and made my way to the door. I saw a figure standing in the kitchen, their body faced towards the stove. My head tilted as I walked to them slowly.

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