Chapter 78 • Gone

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Includes strong language.

• 1 Week Later •

George, Sapnap and I managed to plan a little ceremony at the hospital after a week.

I never thought my wedding day would be like these circumstances, but I know with George and Sapnap by my side, I'd be okay.

George knocked me out of my thoughts as he emerged out of the bathroom, with damp hair and a towel around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning his head against my chest as I stared at my tuxedo laid out on the bed.

"I can't wait to see you in that." He smiled.

I nodded with a light smile. He picked up on my mood immediately, holding me tighter.

"Have you written your vows yet?"

"Yep. I doubt you have. You probably were too busy sleeping to write them." I joked.

He scoffed, pulling away from me.

"I wrote my vows, you idiot."

I lightly smiled while nodding at the tuxedo again.

"What do your vows say? Let me guess, there's probably a line about how you're a simp for me."

My smile faded as I stared hard at the tuxedo. George immediately held my hand.

"What if todays the day, George?" I spoke quietly.

"Today is the day, idiot. We're getting married."

"You know what I mean..." I turned to him with a frown.

He sighed nervously.

"Then I'll hold you until you feel better." He sadly smiled at me.

I returned the sad smile then wrapped my arm around his shoulder, bringing him in to kiss his forehead.

After I took a deep breath, we both got ready. Sapnap bursted in through the front door wearing a black tuxedo with a bow tie.

"My best friends are getting married today!" He shouted loudly.

"Shut up!" He yelled from the bathroom.

I chuckled lightly, joining Sapnap in the living room.

"Damn, maybe I should've married you." He raised his eyebrows while eyeing me up and down.

I lightly smiled then took a deep breath. I placed my hands in my pockets.

"Thanks for being here, Nick..."

"Of course man, you're my brother. I got you." He set his hand on his shoulder while sadly smiling at me, "Besides, I've been third wheeling for your whole friendship and relationship so of course I'd have to be here for the wedding."

I scoffed, pushing his hand off of my shoulder. Shortly, George exited our room wearing a matching blue tie with me. He swooped his hair to the side then his eyes met mine.

I instantly smiled widely at how handsome he looked. Then it occurred to me that this wasn't a sad day. I was marrying the love of my life, my baby, my best friend, my soulmate, my everything.

George walked to me while blushing hard. We stared at each other, lost in our thoughts.

"Simps." He coughed into his fist.

"Whatever, let's go idiots." He joined hands with me then shortly, we left.

Sapnap drove us to the hospital while I sat in the back with George, holding his hands tightly. My blurry vision trailed out the window as my thought took over.

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