Chapter 54 • Memories

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Includes strong language.

Dream and I ended up falling back asleep after we took a bath together early in the morning to calm us both down.

His alarm woke us up then he split apart from me to turn it off.

"Morning baby." He held me close again with his eyes shut.

I kept my eyes shut as I didn't move, trying to pretend I was still asleep.

I knew the beginning of getting better would be tough, I just wasn't looking forward to it.

"Baby?" He opened his eyes.

I stayed perfectly still with my eyes shut, trying to delay the inevitable.

"George?" He sat up, making my head fall to the pillow.

My eyes widened as anxiety filled me fast. I held his cheeks as I shook his head.

"George!" I raised my voice.

He gasped awake as his eyes shot open.

"Damn—I'm up." He rolled to his side as he shut his eyes again.

I sighed nervously.

"You scared me. You weren't waking up."

"I'm fine I just..." he sighed, "I know I have to go today but I don't want to...I wanna ignore it..."

I frowned then leaned down to kiss his cheek. He opened his eyes and laid on his back.

"I'll be in the room with you, remember? It'll be okay." I held his cheek.

He sighed nervously while looking down at the comforter.

"We can do whatever you want afterwards." I smiled.

"Okay..." he frowned.

Shortly after that, we both got dressed and left the house before Sapnap and Bad woke up. He held my hand as he drove like usual.

Once we arrived, we made our way in, stepped down the stairs, opened the door then Dream rung the desk bell.

A few moments later, Mae walked into the room with a smile.

"Clay, George, lovely to see you two again."

"You too." He smiled back.

"Let's head on back." She turned to the door.

The three of us made our way to her office then seated in our spots from the first time.

"First things first, how are you doing today, George?" She grabbed the clipboard and pen from her desk.

"I'm okay...just not looking forward to being here no offense."

"None taken." She smiled, "But the more times you come here, the less you'll need to."

I nodded with a sigh.

"So, let's continue from yesterday. We left off at when you got your memory back." She read on her clipboard then looked up at me.

I nodded again.

"So, you got your memories back. That's good. What happened after that?"

My chest immediately felt tingly.

Seeing Dream being shot was way more traumatic for me than losing my memory.

I swallowed hard as my breathing felt uneasy. My hands started to shake a little. Dream held my hand.

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