Chapter 40 • Protecting

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Includes strong language.

Sapnap never came home that night. He stayed at Olivia's meanwhile Y/N spent the night at our place in the spare room. George joined me in my room.

I was laying down on my bed, scrolling through my phone without looking at what I was doing. My mind kept trailing to Hunter.

George climbed into bed and wrapped my arm around himself.

"Give me attention."

I lightly smiled then set my phone down.

"Sorry." I kissed his head and held him closer.

"Are you okay?" He looked up at me as his eyebrows squished together.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied with a light smile.

"Are you sure?"

I took a deep breath.

"Yes George, let's go to bed." I turned a little to shut off the lamp.

He immediately sat up and turned on the lamp on his side.

"Tell me what's bothering you."

I clenched my jaw while looking down at the covers.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No—" I shot my head up to him then gulped, "Just leave it alone, George."

He frowned then slowly held my hand and intertwined our fingers. I squeezed his hand with a light smile.

"He's here with you, he's safe. You can feel him. It's okay. Stop overthinking." I thought with a sigh.

"Dream please. I wanna help. What's wrong?"

I blinked at him while clenching my jaw tightly.

"Don't tell him. He's gonna be scared." I thought.

"I just wanna go to bed, George." I said lowly.

He looked down at our hands then let go.

"Please don't be mad at me..."

"I'm not mad, okay? I just..." he sighed, "You've always felt safe with me to let your problems out and're you not feel safe with me anymore?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I just wanna sleep, George. Let me sleep." I snapped.

He clenched his jaw then pushed the covers off of himself. He grabbed his phone off of the nightstand.

"Where are you going?" My eyebrows squished together as I sat up.

"I'm letting you sleep like you wanted." He raised his eyebrows then left, shutting the door behind him.

I sighed as I shut my eyes.

I went to my room. The same one I haven't slept in for a long time. I shut the door then leaned against it. I immediately took out my phone and texted Sapnap.

Are u up?
I need some advice
𝐷𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑. 11:37𝑝𝑚.

I waited for a response but I never got one. He didn't even read it. I sighed in annoyance then decided to text someone else.

Hey are u up?
I could use some advice

yeah ofc! :)
what's up?

Dream and I had a small argument just now.
Something's been bothering him all day and he won't tell me what it is.
But he always tells me what's wrong.

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