Chapter 10 • Confession

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Includes strong language.

I fell back while closing my eyes when I felt a gust of wind. Dream grabbed my wrist and I opened my eyes to hear people gasping and murmuring from down below. I looked down to see my feet dangling in the air. My head shot to Dream as he looked scared shitless. I lightly smiled.

"Let me go..."

"No..." his voice shook along with his head as his eyes filled with sadness.

He grabbed my other arm then pulled me up with all his strength. Once my feet hit the rooftop, I heard everyone cheering at the bottom. Dream held my arms tightly.

"Are you fucking stupid?! What the hell were you thinking?!" He yelled angrily with tears in his eyes.

I looked up at him as I clenched my jaw.

"I hate you..." I snapped.

His eyes widened, "You don't mean that..." his voice was weak.

"You should've let me fall..." I shook my head angrily then shoulder butted him.

I stormed off until I reached the ground floor. I left the building through the front doors to see the crowd's eyes on me. I clenched my jaw then pushed past them.

"George!" He yelled, chasing after me.

I shook my head angrily and kept walking until he ran in front of me and grabbed my arms tightly.

"George stop—"

"Leave me alone—" I pushed his arms off of me then he gave me a tight hug.

I froze as I felt the tears welling up in the corners of my eyes.

"Please don't do that again..." he held me tighter.

I clenched my jaw while staying frozen.

"You don't want me around..." I spoke lowly.

"Of course I want you around—"

"No you don't..."

"George—talk to me, what the hell were you thinking??" He pulled us apart and held my arms tighter.

I looked down as I swallowed hard.

"My family disowned me...since I hesitated on going back..." I spoke quietly, "I lost everyone...they all said I was a waste of a life..."

His eyes widened as his eyes were filled with anger.

"And you...? You're never there anymore—y—you're always with your girlfriend and..." my lip quivered as I kept my gaze away from him, "I just don't wanna be a burden to anyone anymore..."

I broke out in a sob while keeping my head down. He hugged me tightly. My head hit his chest.

"George—you aren't a burden—fuck what your family thinks. They don't matter for shit—"

"You think I'm a burden—" my voice cracked.

"The fuck—" He split us apart and looked into my eyes with worry and confusion, "George I've never thought that in my whole life. I'd never think that—"

"Then why do you always ditch me for Olivia—why haven't you shown me your face and why can't you ever just let me all the way in?!" I yelled while my voice cracked, slapping his chest.

He shut his eyes then looked down. After a few moments of silence, he spoke.

"There's no Olivia..." he mumbled while looking at the concrete.

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