Chapter 5 • Night

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Includes strong language.

After my talk with George, I felt a lot better. Soon, Sapnap stopped streaming and we all hung out in the living room together.

I stayed quiet most of the time again. I didn't feel like talking. Even though George's talk helped a little bit, I still wasn't too happy about him being here.

It didn't take long for night time to come. Sapnap went to his room while George followed me into mine. He laid down on my bed and started scrolling through his phone. I laughed.

"What're you doing?"

"I'm on Instagram." He said, his eyes glued to his phone.

"I mean, I'm about to sleep."

"Oh—sorry." He stood up awkwardly.

"No—you're fine." I scratched the back of my head.



He smiled then left, shutting the door behind him. I sighed nervously.

"Okay...tomorrow I can go out and say I have business. That way I won't be around matter how much I wanna be." I thought then laid down on my bed.

My head hit the pillow. I held my hands together and set them on my stomach while looking at my ceiling. I clenched my jaw then took off the mask and set it on the nightstand.

While setting my mask down, my eyes fell to the pillow beside me.

"I wonder what it's like to fall asleep next to him. And to wake up with him. That's gonna feel incredible to the person he chooses to spend his life with..." I thought as I frowned, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes, "No—don't think about that."

I sighed while shutting my eyes.

I went to my room and laid down on the bed.

"Why do I have to be so awkward?" I mumbled then slid under the covers.

My thoughts trailed to Dream.

"We had a good talk today. Seeing what his eyes looked like in person was...surreal. I knew they were green but they looked...interesting as yellow." I thought, "I can't wait until he shows me what his other features look like."

My eyes widened.

"M—meaning his nose and stuff..." I thought then rolled my eyes.

I shut off the lamp then fell asleep shortly.

I stood by myself in the forest I always go to when I think of George too much. I gazed up at the trees as the wind blew through my hair. After a little bit, my legs began walking away on their own. As I was walking farther away, I saw someone leaning against the tree trunk. My eyebrows squished together as my curiosity sparked.

"I've never seen anyone here before." I thought.

I took a step closer to them. Then I realized who it was. He had blood seeping out of his stomach. My heart dropped as I leaned down to him quickly and held him.

"George??" My voice shook as my tears collapsed.

I tried finding his pulse but there was none. His body was cold and pale. My lip quivered.


"You killed him." A voice spoke.

I turned around quickly to see myself. My eyes widened. He wore the mask along with a black tightened shirt, combat boots and black jeans.

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