Chapter 55 • Letter

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Includes strong language.

A letter.

That bitch wanted me to write a letter to my greatest enemy, saying I forgive him when I will never forgive him as long as I'll live.

He took away my life along with Dream's. He's done so much to us. Hunter doesn't feel sorry for any of it so why the hell should I forgive him??

After we said our goodbyes, I stormed off to the car. I climbed in and slammed the door as hard as I could. I crossed my arms while leaning back in the seat, glaring at the dashboard.

Dream shortly climbed into the drivers seat then shut the door with a sigh.

"She's an idiot."

"George..." he started.

"She's rude and then she's nice and then she's back to being rude again—there's no way in hell I'm forgiving Hunter." I snapped.

"George—" he held my hand which made me look at him, "I don't like her idea either but...this is what she does for a living. She's helped my family out before. She knew what she was doing with the list so...we just have to believe she knows what she's doing for the letter..."

I clenched my jaw while glaring at him.

"Do you forgive him??"

He sighed, "Of course not."

"Then why the hell should I??"

Dream looked down at our hands with a frown.

"If you do...maybe it'll bring you more peace..."

I scoffed while shaking my head, turning my gaze to out the window.

"You both are idiots...the only peace I'm gonna get from Hunter is if he dies in that cell..."

Dream's eyes widened as he sighed nervously.

"George, look at me."

I clenched my jaw while turning my attention back to him with a glare.

"Can you at least try to write the letter, for me?"

I frowned as my eyes trailed down to our hands leaning on the console.

"It's not possible to forgive someone in a day...especially after everything they've done—"

"I know. I don't expect you to, I don't think she expects you to either..."

"What does she want from me then...?" I frowned.

"She wants you to do I." He kissed my forehead softly, "So try...please..."

I sighed.

"Okay...I'll try for you..."

He lightly smiled.

"This might take up the rest of the day..."

I nodded while glaring at our hands.

"We're gonna be one step closer tomorrow, baby." He held my cheek then kissed it.

I lightly smiled as I sighed.


After some time, we arrived home. I walked into my room then grabbed a piece of paper from the shelf along with a pen. Dream laid down on my bed on his stomach while looking at me. I sat down in the desk chair then tried thinking of where to even start with the letter.

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