Chapter 67 • Apart

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Includes strong language.

It's been a week.

One full week of no communication from George. Sapnap would constantly be on his phone texting George so it made me feel a little better knowing George was doing okay.

I stayed seated in my gaming chair with a soft light in the background, waiting for the time to reach midnight so I could officially call George to tell him how much I missed him and how excited I was for him to come back to Florida.

After impatiently waiting the last minute, it finally reached midnight.

I grabbed my phone off my desk, almost dropping it. I pressed on George's contact name and immediately pressed dial with a huge smile on my face.

I was so excited to hear his voice again.

It rung once, then twice, then a third time. My smile faded as my eyebrows squished together. Then after a fourth ring, he answered.

"George!" I yelled excitedly.

"Hey." He said flatly.

"Oh my god—I missed you so much." I laughed, "The week is over, thank God. Ugh—it's felt like a million years since we last talked."

"Yeah..." He replied in the same flat tone.

"I have so much to tell you." I smiled, "Okay so Sapnap sent me a text message that was meant for Olivia—"

I bursted out in a wheeze just thinking about it.

"He—he sent me a photo—" I wheezed harder while setting my head down, "He was freaking out so badly!"

I lost it meanwhile not a single noise was made on his end. I wiped away the tears in my eyes that appeared from laughing too hard.

"God—you should've seen his face." I smiled widely, "But there's so much other stuff to tell you."

A thought occurred to me. I wanted to see his face.

"Hang on, FaceTime me instead. I wanna see you." I pressed on the FaceTime button and set up my phone against my monitor.

"I can't right now." He said lowly.

"Oh," I frowned, "That—that's okay. We'll get to see each other soon anyways when you come back to Florida."

I grabbed my phone and put it back up to my ear.

"God, I can't wait to see you." I smiled, "You don't realize how hard this has been but it'll be worth it, I know it will be. Ugh—I just wanna be with you right now."

"Dream—" he started.

"Oh and when you come back—I have a big surprise for you. No—you know what? I'm just gonna tell you now." I laughed, "Sapnap is gonna move in with Olivia and we're gonna have this whole place to ourselves!"

I leaned my elbow against the desk.

"God—we're gonna have so much fun." I smiled widely, "Now that the week is over, we can get back to—"

"I'm not coming back." He blurted out.

I froze as my smile faded. My eyebrows squished together as I shifted in my seat.

"You're not...what?"

He sighed.

"I'm not coming back, Dream..."

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